Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
No, I would say that the conceit of "transnationalism" is the cancer that infects the brains of progressive idiots and smug fools. I'm American by grace of God, and am constantly reminded of that fact through my decades of expatriation.

As for the bones of fallen American fighting men, those are the men who paid the check so you could be free to be an asshole, ironically waving the flag of one of history's most monstrous states. To have had the privilege of helping to return a few of them home to their families is the great honor of my life.

So in other words you're a complete and total fucking moron. Every other solider that's fallen in the name of their flag feel's the exact same way about their nation state, it's the same fucking brainwashing, the only difference is the scope of either the imperialism or the theocracy. "american by the grace of god"??? what the fuck does that mean? The cunt that shat you into the world smelt more golden because it was in the lower 48, sounds like monarch type shit to me, do you believe in monarchy? Once again fuck you.
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