flat spiral... it has to mean something, right?.

You cant spell Hastur without Rust or Hart. Rust+Hart=Hastur.
this is a quote from another board and it sums up my feelings on the show so far.. i'm still trying to piece in the humbolt squid though.?.
When I watch True Detective, it leaves me with the same feeling I get after watching a Kubrick film. Most relatable would be The Shining. When you watch The Shining, you get the distinct impression that something just isn't right. You're not sure what, but you know there is something more complex, and far more disturbing going on. It always feels like it's right under your nose, but you can't figure it out - almost like a conspiracy. You know it's there, you just can't find out for certain the where and the why. So you finish watching the film captivated, and unsettled - but afterwards, it's like having a balloon blown up inside your brain. You either have to deal with this giant anomaly infecting your mind, or you just pop it and let it all go.
The Shining is really popular for that reason, and I'm sure everyone in this thread heard about Room 237..
I feel the same way with True Detective. Something else is there, feels like it is masterfully planted, like you'd plant a seed. You'll never figure out what's going on until the seeds grow..