Originally Posted By: gia jordan
Eric, what's wrong with leaving porn and getting a day job? Not like Faceblaster was making 6 figures doing advanced mope work, and even those who did earn that much, why talk shit about people changing their career choices? (No offense, Faceblaster.). Good for him!

My remark apparently went over your whore head, too. Really disappointing, Gia.

I mentioned the 'day job' because he screamed BLOODY STUMP MURDER when I posted his photo here at XPT. But no one seemed to have a problem with my mug plastered all over the site. Comes around...goes around. See if he gets fired or denied a job because his face is plastered all over a porn board, I give not one fuck. There's a line not to cross in our personal lives, and I feel that one's likeness (as associated with the adult industry) is just as damning as posting their legal name.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron