It's been the policy of XPT to not publish real names of whores or mopes. It's about the only "rule" there ever was, unless their real name was common knowledge, like Jenna Jameson or Ashley Blue.

Having said that...

Uncle Jeffy started a thread many years ago in the admin forum about not deleting or banning things from eccentric posters like maged, moblem, simp. Fuck, we even put up with applesaucer until he threatened Ashley's life, and Jeff made Malice drive her down to the police station to file a complaint. maged's thread about Shelbee Myne and Shane Tyler were hilarious and completely benign.

Why not just edit any real name or DoB from the post, instead of deleting a classic thread? Birthdays are available on IAFD, and I have previously asked where they got them. AIM? PWL? All free and accessible. Plenty of others crossed the line way more than he did.