Jrv, you summed it up perfectly- Most people are respectful to the porners who post here and I would see no reason for any porn star not to post here...... if they have even a small dose of a sense of humor. I will say that this board in it's present incarnation may be viewed as hard by some people if they don't have a good sense of humor. All the girls who presently post here are both very cool and have great senses of humor. Everybody gets a zinger thrown their way at one time or another but most people here either let it slide and laugh or give it right back like Gen, Kami and Melissa. While I would like more porners to post, I could care less if they did if they had no sense of humor. I had the experience where in my first few posts on a nameless adult forum a male porn star jumped down my through- essentially calling me stupid- what am I going to do- stop posting, hell no. That said sometimes people attack the porn stars without being in jest and I find that very uncool- and lately those type of posters don't seem to last long.
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"