
There is NO AIM in Europe, and you do not have the obligation to get tested in the same lab as everyone when you work there.

My concern is not just whether the guys got tests, but whether Ariana can be sure none of them LIED about their tests. And I assume Ariana doesn't speak Czech, so how would verification work anyway? It's not enough that everybody shows her a HIV- test, she has to be sure none of those tests are faked.

PS. I'm not sure Melissa knows that when Marc Wallice infected several years he had HIV- test results - but they were fake. And Marc was no outsider or new talent: he had been performing at least ten years and had been one of the top guys.

That's why the big point with AIM is to verify tests - US porn has already had someone produce HIV- results (that turned out to be fake) and infect several people.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock