Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I think Mike South got Syphilis, from his time sucking Mr. Marcus' cock over the phone. Something is rotting the poor bastard's brain.

Originally Posted By: Mike South
It’s kind of a bitch being top dog at this, a position that kinda just came to me, I never really asked for or expected it.
This is telling, because he is absolutely right--he does not have the talent to be considered the best blogger on the subject--he won it by default. Such as:

Luke Ford - quit
Gene Ross - quit
Tod Hunter - quit (no updates since March)
Gram Ponante - completely useless, probably still scared of Lackwood
Jim DiGiorgio - dead
Monstar - quit
Cindy Loftus - quit
John T. Bone - too busy fucking underage Thai girls with Donkey Long
Scott Fayner - probably dead from OD on whippets
Diarrhea Ford - murdered and eaten by Sportswami
HoustonDon - never hear from him any more
XXXJay - quit

All we have left is South, Rob Black and Sean. Sean appears to be staying out of the trenches, and Rob may be right on some things, but he is just batshit crazy. The nazi who took over LiB has wrapped her cunt so tightly around the comments there, even Germey Steele is hurting for attention.