I though Los Angeles had the monopoly on cross fitters taking over the gym with their made-up exercises and taking all the ropes and bars off the lat pull down. So annoying. I go do lats and where's the thingy? Wtf. Oh, it's with that cluster of assholes talking about burpees and their WOD. Those ppl whose shit I almost tripped over.

Texting in the gym. Sometimes I have to. But marathon texting needs should be limited to slow gym hours when there's barely anyone there, but if you're on the only machine of it's type, text later. I hate when only busy hours fit in my sched and all 3 bench press spots are full. With one of them texting. Don't pretend you're taking a break between sets. That break has been so long I just saw you write a novella.

I've never been hit on at the gym. I've been to all types of gyms. Chain/franchise gyms, posh gyms like Equinox, private gyms, old school body builder gyms...never been hit on. If anything, there's been times where I'm obviously having trouble adjusting the seat on a machine and no one notices. I've dressed all sorts of ways at the gym. Usually like a slob, but if I had pilates prior, I'm in tight pants and a Henley. No one bothers me. Gyms seem to be places where people are focused on themselves. Anyone who claims gyms are meet markets hasn't been to a gym. Once in a while, a guy will make a suggestion on my form or share my look of disdain for the douche who didn't re-rack his weights, but that's about it. There's an insanely hot chick at my gym who dresses like a whore. She looks like a video game character. I'll see guys on the down low who work out together notice her, but they're not leering or high fiving. It's as if they noticed a nice car drive by. No one approaches her either. People at gyms just want to do their thing.