Originally Posted By: 2Savage
She could barely formulate a sentence.

Originally Posted By: 2Savage
She is no good to anyone in her current state.

darling, she is very typical for this neck of the woods. my thing is this: if you've got any kind of grey matter at all you do not engage women out of love, duty or devotion. you engage them for their sturdy construction. and right now despite a future that is rapidly turning black she has still got enough of the superficial things that really matter. i don't even care that her face is starting to look like tara reid's stomach. she's got one, possibly two million water particles sogging her mind, yes, but so does every shrill who gives manicures for a living playing candy crush bullshit like some over-methadoned ray liotta zombie. do you underSTAND!!?

seriously, what she lacks in business acumen she makes up for in--if you can try to picture it--just one big pair of wax lips rocking back and forth sucking it off. that's a commodity.