Yes, she did, it don't take much reading of that to see she hates men and ejaculate. And she is promoting a tired brand of feminism where women must conform to certain ideals or they will be labeled prostitutes and skanks.

It all sounds like bitter projecting. "the fact your youth makes you blind to the evils of show business." Really, the 10 years Miley's been in the biddness and the 25 her daddy has don't mean anything, she is still a babe in the woods? Sinead needs to get back on the meds.

And Sinead keeps going on about what the recording industry is doing to her and wants her to do. Utter crap. Miley has enough money to do what she wants. The recording industry is going to make money hand over fist with her whether she sings country songs about ex boyfriends or if she sings pop dance tunes and shows her piss flaps every time she exits a limo to enter a club.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral