Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate

The girl that came to Hollywood to be an actress but could only do a porn. She killed herself of course. It shows the seedy porn underworld of middle aged renegade photo lab guys wearing sweaters.

One of my favorites. That had to be controversial in its day. I read a biography on Jack a few years ago. He had quite the life. Growing up was rough, I don't think he knew his dad. He married Julie London when she was smoking hot, then put her in Emergency! twenty years later with her husband, Bobby Troup, a big time jazz performer who wrote the song Route 66. Jack Sheldon, I mentioned before, was a pretty big jazz trumpeter. Jack was a huge jazz fan and I think he knew a lot of big time jazz people of the day. He was a costar in Sunset Blvd with William Holden and Gloria Swanson.

According to the biography, Jack set up an apartment on the Universal lot at his offices as he was a workaholic and would work late into the night and weekends. He apparently developed the concept of pulling a car through the streets instead of using the cheesy looking rear-projection which was the common technique at the time. His Adam 12 cop cars are going down real LA streets being towed by the camera truck. To shoot a show with that much location work and stay on budget required some innovative thinking.
"I'm a minor character in my own story", Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in 24 Hour Party People