i launched many orphans to this woman in her prime as my pork was pulled beyond recognition. so i ran down these recent photos and watched some of the video: wind-tunnel face reboot, tummy winching, butt-elevation, lip inflation and angry, conical implants, hunched, scoliotic posture and shuffling gait. dog snarled as well. but i tried it again, and...nothing. nada. niente. god, please. i tried sitting indian style. i'm tossing cards into a hat now. you reach the point of no return, the inevitable "Y" in the fanboi road, and you want to be sick. called my childhood home requesting blankets.

evidence would indicate the seemingly psychotic woman broke into random homes, lost custody of her children, dropped into the martial arts stance and shot a fist at the solar plexus of her assistant, and twibbered on numerous occasions to be "the only 1 who makes any fucking sense, fuck u if ur 2 stupid to take it" ...but...further evidence suggests she also lives in a house with four walls, a roof, working utilities, drives a car on the same streets everyone else drives on, and is capable of routinely engaging in reasonable, straightforward face-to-face conversations with other people, interacting freely and naturally with several people per day without any monitoring whatsoever. which, and i think, can be commended.

enter cam slut co., wearing everyone's patience real thin with their "how much scratch can we shake out of this horiñon to cut herself on cam?" wow. boy that's too bad. and we leave as we entered, in the middle of things: jenna jamies or jameses giving the high sign, butt-up with a flower parked in a marriott suites.