Originally Posted By: Willie D
Christian kept his secret for at least 3 years before being outed.

hell-oh, the man is six feet tall and rolls a front wheel drive. who didn't see it coming.. showing up to shoots wearing the beret and lipstick number should have been a tip off. but nobody cared. it's one of the great mysteries, like how is porno dan not serving time for all the shit he's pulled.. or why does Evil Angel have an extra coffee machine in the break room separate from the rest, with a note on top that reads: "john and karen"

the guy faked his own persecution...then took a step back when the truth came out in the next edition of pole smoke weekly, one of the oldest and most deadly publications of gay lifestyle we have here in the hollywood hills. he went heinz 57 varieties of ape quoting martin luther king and freddie mercury after nicole ray drew a skull and crossbones next to his name on an agency whiteboard.

and the women he was paired with were powerless to fight back because lawsuits mean filling out forms and drafting complaints and dealing with legal codes they knew little about. porn producers understood this- they could simply tell all the girls to sign away their rights or they’re fired. class action? forget it. might as well load all that shit into a trailer and drive it off a cliff because some federal judge would just come along and parole his ass. how do i know, because we're all hellbound, and the flame shuttle pulls up in twenty minutes.

besides, once you start going down that road of "oh well let's slide gays into ovens", pretty soon you're burning up everyone. No way. No way, Jose. It's laziness that's on trial here. And you never saw a person with less interest open an oven slower than nicole ray.