zombies. Get into a game with a couple of collage boys. They're talking typical shit...drinking, drugs, girls. So at one point they're like "dude, go to some tube site and type in Tiffany Star, she went to our HS, she was in our HR". I think she's not bad by porn standards, so I thought that was cool. Got name, school, town, but I guess that would be uncool to post here. I did ask if either one nailed her, to which they replied no. Said at the time she wanted nothing to do with the white boys, was a dark meat lover. Talked about how at a party she blew some black dude in the living room in front of everyone.
You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too. -some song I heard...
I'm like: 'Is it even legal to say that?' Then I realized we were grown men."