Originally Posted By: have2cit
Just because you have so much of it between your ears doesn't mean you can lay your bullshit on me, son. You sit there and try to dictate to your betters how they live thier lives, from your nowhere nosebleed seats, then when someone puts you in your place, you take your ball and go home.

I had a dumb quip in here but I really can't let this slide.

It's actually deplorable sociopathic total fucking vermin like you who want to control peoples lives. Every retarded fucking insult you levy against me I would return to you ten fold. I feel an overwhelming wave of disgusting just interacting with you at this point. I don't want to debate you. I don't give a fuck what you do with your disgusting life. I truly and honestly wish you would just fucking die.

Edited by FAT BLOODY FINGERS (06/25/13 10:05 PM)
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.