Originally Posted By: Akholic
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
What the fuck does "taking responsibility" of your own health have to do with having access to proper medical care when you needs it? Let's say you get your arm chopped off and you're too poor to afford proper medical care?

Nobody is too fucking poor to afford health care. They are either too lazy to work hard enough to pay for it, or would rather spend their money getting stoned. This is called taking responsibility for your own health. How much do you want to bet that as soon as healthcare becomes "free", all the degenerates will becomes regulars in the Emergency Room? Take a trip north and have a look at the 'merg in a Canadian hospital.

Not to mention most of the industrialized world thinks we're fucking idiots, but again good ol'merica is the best so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks right?

The industrial world thinks you're idiots because you keep pushing Government programs like Affirmative Action. The once great United States of America is being brought down from within. What was once the greatest country on the planet is destroying itself because the have-nots now dictate what the haves do.

Oh, and electing a fucking community organizer didn't help your credibility

If you want to argue statistic again we spend the most on health care in our fantastic free market system and are 37th place in over all health, and the english aren't exactly known for their fat free life styles.

Again, why do you think that spending more money on something will make it better?

Ask what the money is being spent on. And who is getting all this money. Eat a fucking salad and go for a walk once and a while. You are responsible for your own health. Not someone else

It's actually the conservatives who want dumb students to work as wage slaves in 8 -12 hour days because if people could actually work only a few hours to be able to support themselves and can actually spend most of their time actually thinking about things.

Bullshit. Conservatives want a thriving middle class because the middle class puts money in their pockets. No one is going to buy shit if they're poor. Liberals want people poor so that they are dependent of government assistance. The more the people think the Government is there to help, the more open they will be to giving up more and more of their freedoms in the name of Government

They don't want a population capable of critical thinking.

Says the person who thinks spending money will fix everything. The minute someone thinks for themselves, is the minute they stop believing Obama is the savior. Liberals want the population stupid. They know it'll be easier to control them that way

You're so fucking stupid you're hung up on this "liberal vs conservative" horseshit that you actually believe there's more than a fly shit's difference between the democrats and republican's The real joke is the idea that the democrats are "left wing"

Both parties are a fucking joke. But the core of what is the Conservative base is far more intelligent than what is at the core of the Liberal one.

None of what you wrote is worth the time to respond to, because it amounts to saying nothing more than you don't feel taxes should be collected by any society ever for any reason. It's pretty amusing how you think the megarich give a shit about helping the middle class stay afloat.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.