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#405043 - 05/09/10 08:37 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

Thank God for the retards that think like Coke Stefensen.

It's lucky for me that there are so many stupid southern hicks like E.Davis in the country. It makes it easier to get ahead and rise to the top. I bet loser Davis is envious of Charin's piece of shit camper. With digs like that he'd cut a nice figure in the ancestral trailer park.
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#405044 - 05/10/10 01:52 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
charin Offline
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Registered: 07/15/05
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Fuck 'em all but nine.

#405045 - 05/10/10 10:49 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43


That cartoon demonstrates perfectly how the liberal media sets up the straw man fallacy in describing conservatives. No one equates "cooperation" and "civilization" with socialism. When we mention socialism, we're thinking about Obama phrases like "spread it around" nd "healthcare is a right".
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#405046 - 05/10/10 02:25 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
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#405047 - 05/12/10 08:25 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Very interesting. Odumba has been using a social security # that would only have been issues to a resident oc Connecticut, but he has never lived there. Also, it would have been issued years after he entered the workforce and would have been required to have one.

Someday, all will be known about this fugazi.

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#405048 - 05/26/10 12:23 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I wonder if anyone can listen to this shit now without laughing. Here's the clip where Odumba's teleprompter equates electing him with "the moment the planet starts to heal" -lol:


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#405049 - 06/01/10 12:12 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Who do you think was the bigger amateur - Carter or Odumba?

And who had the worst staff? Carter was such a dingbat that he gave a lot of people who worked for Georgia state gov the same job on a national level in the White House ("the Georgia mafia"). They were 4th rate talent to be sure, but at least none seemed to hate America. Odumba has a crew of bureaucrats/academics/activists who have never had to accountable in their entire careers and
whose Marxist tendencies cause you to have to wonder if they're fucking up on purpose (Van
Jones, Anita Dunn, Cass Sunstein, Ron Bloom ETC).

this piece of shit Jew is actually "manufacturing Czar"-lol:

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#405050 - 06/01/10 04:58 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
The biggest amateur was the Crawford, Texas village idiot, who abdicated all important policy decisions to his controllers.

#405051 - 06/01/10 06:42 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

The biggest amateur was the Crawford, Texas village idiot, who abdicated all important policy decisions to his controllers.

The mainstream media pushen the exact same false impressiom (bumbling idiot whose underlings call the shots) about Reagan and Eisenhower. It's part of their template. Way to swallow it hook,line and sinker.
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#405052 - 06/01/10 11:10 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Just trying to be kind to 43. Alternative would be to hold him responsible for the more than five thousand American soldiers killed in Iraq and more than ten thousand maimed for life, not to mention the horrible financial panic that equalled the bank failures of 1931-33 and the Panic of 1873.

#405053 - 06/01/10 11:27 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Wow, so it's his fault that the nutty suicidal Islamic world needs to be brought to heal? To bad Odumba hadn't been in office to kiss some ass. Iran responds well to that and surely wouldn't be going nuke so that it can take out Israel (which will cause "the Madhi" to return and user in Islamic world rule).

Bush caused an economic panic? Wow, I didn't know he was behind destroying the credit/housing market (the first domino) by forcing banks to make pc diversity loans to people who could never pay them back. Here I thought it was the Dems' Community Reinvestment Act. And Bush caused the stock market to collapse in 2008? Golly, I guess it wasn't the fact that it had just become clear that a socialist was about to be elected president.

Ole Coke did alright though. As soon as Odumda took over GM and Chrysler to bail out UAW pensions and started saying "these companies failed because people don't want to buy cars that aren't green", I loaded up on Ford stock. Like GM and Chrysler, it was selling for less than $1 per share. It's now trading at 14 X the purchase price. Thanks, Odumba! muah
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#405054 - 06/01/10 12:03 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Ole Coke is overlooking the key role of the subprime mortgage market and their toxic financial derivatives in the Panic of 2008. Your point about the auto industry is well taken, Politically, I am more of a Jim Webb guy than an Obama guy BTW.

#405055 - 06/01/10 03:19 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
NitneLiun Offline
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Registered: 07/09/06
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The subprime mortgage-based derivatives were a disaster, no doubt. But Coke is right in identifying the origin of those subprime loans. It all goes back to the CRA, as well as the shenanigans at Freddie and Fannie.

You can put the blame in a lot of places: Bush, Clinton, Congress, Wall Street and Main Street. Nobody has clean hands in any of this.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."

#405056 - 06/01/10 03:49 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
backdoorman Offline
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Registered: 09/01/08
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The biggest amateur was the Crawford, Texas village idiot, who abdicated all important policy decisions to his controllers.

You sir are one big cliche !

I may not know arse but I know what I like !

#405057 - 06/01/10 04:49 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
God your dumb. Financial institutions were forced to write those worthless loans by the government. Why wouldn't they try to bundle and resell them. They have a fiduciary responsibility to try to make lemonade from whatever lemons the liberal Dems in gov't force down their throats.
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#405058 - 06/01/10 06:14 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Ad hominem attacks are a sure sign that the attacker has a weak argument. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae actually followed the lead of private lenders who were going whole hog into subprimes, and Freddie and Fannie increased their involvement to protect their market share.

#405059 - 06/01/10 08:37 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

Ad hominem attacks are a sure sign that the attacker has a weak argument. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae actually followed the lead of private lenders who were going whole hog into subprimes, and Freddie and Fannie increased their involvement to protect their market share.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha! Shit Talker alert!

You obviously have no fucking clue what Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac do or what their purpose is. I'll give you a hint. They don't compete for "MARKET SHARE" with private lenders, you fucking retard.

Don't even bother reposting after you read the wikipedia article on Fannie Mae. You've been exposed.
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#405060 - 06/01/10 09:39 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
They don't compete economically, but they DO compete to maintain a certain share percentage in order to create a perception that they are an effective player. You seem to have a certain level of experience in the private sector. It might be that I have a certain amount of experience in the public sector, and therefore we are accustomed to use similar terms to describe different things. BTW I am old enough to remember Ginnie Mae, but we ought not get too deep lest we bore the community. BTW I do believe that the public sector played a role in the NINJA loan fiasco, but you seem financially sophisticated enough to realize that private sector was equally culpable. Don't deny it because you are butthurt over me insulting your boy Adolf.

#405061 - 06/03/10 07:07 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

They don't compete economically, but they DO compete to maintain a certain share percentage in order to create a perception that they are an effective player.

complete FAIL - I have to assume the wikipedia article on Fannie Mae was over your head
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#405062 - 06/03/10 07:27 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I listened to NPR in the car for the last few days. I now better understand why mediocrities like Charin and Gunker think they're smart and that their idiot ideology is "intellectual". The people who were supposed to be representing conservative or patriotic viewpoint were some of the dumbest sounding people I've ever heard. They said "um" and "uh" between words more than Odumba and had to fall back stuff like "it's on the bible" when cornered by nitwit liberal hosts. Obviously NPR and similar libtard outlets puts these dummies on the air intentionally as a kind of "strawman" tactic. It must confuse poor Charin and Gunker to get the shit kicked out of them whenever they parrot NPR-type bullshit on XPT.
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#405063 - 06/10/10 08:05 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Odumba has stupidly put a moratorium on all offshore drilling regardless of the depth, location or company involved. And he has ordered BP to pay wages of ALL those affected by his stupid decision. This this Hugo Chavez-like thug behavior.
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#405064 - 06/11/10 11:10 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

Odumba has stupidly put a moratorium on all offshore drilling regardless of the depth, location or company involved. And he has ordered BP to pay wages of ALL those affected by his stupid decision. This this Hugo Chavez-like thug behavior.

I've seen that kind of wording from Odumba a few times since the oil spill... What the fuck is that? When did the president start getting to delivers ultimatums to private industry? This is some new law I haven't heard of?

#405065 - 06/11/10 05:05 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
smutspov Offline
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Registered: 10/29/03
Posts: 9489
5 Reasons Obama Is the Same as Bush, Clinton

By Paul Bedard

Elected in a euphoric wave of hope and change for the future, President Obama's recent stumblings over the Gulf oil disaster, efforts to influence Democratic races, and hiccups in stopping domestic terrorism have even his friends thinking he's no different than any other president.

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman

#405066 - 06/11/10 08:42 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Bush 43 slunk into office on the "strength" of a split SCOTUS decision after losing the popular by almost a half million votes to Al Bore.

#405067 - 06/19/10 01:26 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
You expect this kind of rhetoric from the loud mouths who have to be as controversial as possible so they can sell million dollar advertisements on their show. But now, even AP reporters are calling Obama a hypocrite:


President Barack Obama on Saturday pinned blame on Republicans for making life harder for the unemployed and for those who could lose their jobs without new federal intervention. He did so even as he sought to distance himself from the "dreary and familiar politics" of Washington.

Source: Click

#405068 - 06/19/10 02:18 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread

the song remains the same....republican or democrat....if you havent figured out its not a person or individual that runs or even endorses something....lobbyist run dc.....they are paid by wall street types or for lack of a better term....capitalists....end of story.

any President/Congress make an easy target for critiques of government in general.

#405069 - 06/19/10 10:44 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

the song remains the same....republican or democrat....if you havent figured out its not a person or individual that runs or even endorses something....lobbyist run dc.....they are paid by wall street types or for lack of a better term....capitalists....end of story.

Yeah money has a lotta power in Washington. Too much power. I'd like to see more campaign finance reform taking it away from them.

But, the idea that the individual has nothing to do with it is silly. There were better financed campaigns than Obama when he started to after the Democratic nomination. You read about McCain's campaign, and there was a point where he was driving himself to the airport and carrying his own luggage while hurrying to catch a plane to get to campaign stops he wanted to make.


any President/Congress make an easy target for critiques of government in general.

The AP was just reporting facts. When you're overriding desire is just to tell everyone what they want to hear, you tell the Liberals how awful the Republicans are, then you tell the independents how earnestly you're trying to be bipartisan, and you've just contradicted yourself. The AP wasn't just out looking for a way to be controversial by criticizing the government. They were just reporting facts.

But, I guess if your effort is to blindly dismiss any faults Obama has, the entire playing board would look all the same color anyway.

#405070 - 06/20/10 02:29 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread


They were just reporting facts.

But, I guess if your effort is to blindly dismiss any faults Obama has, the entire playing board would look all the same color anyway.

All of them have had faults....yes?

They have all been humans...correct?

and the facts are that no one is perfect...R/D/I....doesnt matter....fuck ups will happen....shit will never be perfect....even journalism has made its fair share of mistakes as well usually by way of little more then a retraction weeks later.

So it is not yet rightfully honestly fair to paint a portrait of an presidency midstream....lets face it.....monday morning qb'ing is so clintonesque.

Then again if there was just one person that was so bulletproof perfect....they would instantaneously repeal the Twenty-second Amendment.

#405071 - 06/23/10 10:57 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
have2cit Offline
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Registered: 08/09/06
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This has nothing to do with his policies. I give you you shankaPOTUS. You'd think he'd be better, as often as he plays.

#405072 - 06/23/10 02:34 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
desperate amateur Odumba is bringing back Bush's general (petreaus). now he just needs to bring back Cheney to replace Biden - baaaaaaahaha

Notice how nothing in Afghanistan could get Odumba's attention, including the fact thay everything had turned to shit, until someone mocked him? Now heads have got to roll! Waaaaaaaaaa!
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#405073 - 06/23/10 03:17 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

487350-odummm.jpg (5 downloads)

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#405074 - 06/25/10 10:24 AM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
POTUS shows that he can cut nuts, one can just ask Stan. General Petraeus is the right man for the job. Win win.

#405075 - 06/25/10 12:15 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43

POTUS shows that he can cut nuts, one can just ask Stan. General Petraeus is the right man for the job. Win win.

Right, because in order to get Petraus to accept the demotion and take the job, Odumba had to agree to scrap his touchy feely rules of engagement and the set withdrawl date.
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#405076 - 06/25/10 12:31 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
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Loc: Baltimore, MD
Which just proves how reasonable, open-minded, and intelligent POTUS Obama is compared to his predecessor, the cretinous fratboy/Crawford, TX village idiot.

#405077 - 06/25/10 04:01 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Coke banned by Monkey Offline

Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
You do understand that Petraues ("General Betray-us" according to libs) is the living embodiment of the Bush strategy, right? This desperate move by Odumba is an admission that he was wrong the entire time he squealed like a bitch on the subject as a senator and candidate. So, you're praising Odumba for being able to admit he was wrong all along? Gee, I could have told him that 3 years ago. Take victories where you can find them, I guess.
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#405078 - 06/25/10 04:17 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
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Loc: Baltimore, MD
Bush strategery? I was hobnobbing with a career United States Army Lieutenant-Colonel who served eighteen months in Iraq who told me that the war was started when Bush-appointed proconsul Jerry Bremer issued Orders One and Two, disbanding the Iraqi army and instituting de-Baathification. Lt. Col. told me that for twenty bucks a month these guys would have worked with Team America, and that Bremer lied like a porn whore in his memoirs. If you think that I am some pinko, you are badly mistaken. I was with Team America helping Solidarnosc in Poland back in the 80s.

#405079 - 06/25/10 04:42 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
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Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

the war was started when Bush-appointed proconsul Jerry Bremer issued Orders One and Two, disbanding the Iraqi army and instituting de-Baathification. Lt. Col. told me that for twenty bucks a month these guys would have worked with Team America,

Whether or not de-Baathification should have been so severe is still controversial, but even Bush has admitted he fucked up the 1st 3 years of the war. But, doing the surge, respected, non-controversial-seeking-loud-mouthers, like David Brooks has called Bush's decisions to go ahead with The Surge the greatest presidential decision in their lifetime. Because 1.) it was such an unpopular decision and 2.) it completely turned the war around.


Which just proves how reasonable, open-minded, and intelligent POTUS Obama is compared to his predecessor, the cretinous fratboy/Crawford, TX village idiot.

I'd double check that. Reports are that Petraeus is going to implement new rules that will allow American soldiers in Afghanistan to be more aggressive. Basically admitting the previous rules were flawed.


POTUS shows that he can cut nuts, one can just ask Stan. General Petraeus is the right man for the job. Win win.

Every single pundit, liberal or conservative was saying McChrystal should be fired. And, Obama had absolute, unquestioned power to do so. This is just party worship, makes you look like a moron.

#405080 - 06/25/10 04:53 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Took you all those words to credit Dubya for finally cleaning up the mess he created in the first place?

#405081 - 06/26/10 12:32 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

Took you all those words to credit Dubya for finally cleaning up the mess he created in the first place?

Does anyone else get the sense that ivor is maybe a Monkey alt?

And yeah, it takes that many words to defend W Bush. I finally decided Bush was trash after Katrina and after Hamas won that election and W's only response was to humiliate them in an effort that was obviously going to start a war over there.

But, this Obama guy is making W look not so bad. At the time W took office, this country had had 3 damn good presidents. Reagan, easily the greatest president of the 20th century, challenges just started peeling away as he stepped in the room. The Iran hostage crisis just disappeared as he took office. Then you had H W Bush, notable achievement being completely playing the USSR like a fiddle in getting rid of the Berlin Wall. And Clinton, whose presidency didn't have many challenges, but I believe he was a brilliant politician. So, we've had these brilliant presidents to set our expectations by, and in comes the inexperienced W and every challenge anyone would have imagined is thrown at him. Bad recession as he walks in the door, Nine-eleven, Katrina, off the top of my head. There were others. At the time, it looked like it took Bush 5/6 years to fianlly figure how the hell to be a good president, but by then it was too late.

So now we elect a ridiculously inexperienced president. 5 times less experienced than Bush. And, he's of course clueless. Thinks the answer to the messes we're in is to create commissions. (Maybe they can figure out some answers, because I sure as hell don't know what they are!!) They accused Bush of manipulating the press too much with photo ops and shit. But, Bush never did something as crass as announce putting tens of thousands soldier lives in danger and at the same time to announce that in a year and a half the Taliban could assume those guys were leaving and they could go back to the way they were running things.

Obama doesn't look like Clinton, boldly and obviously hacking up words, asking what the definition of is is. Obama's too slick for something like this. Instead, he anticipates the situation where he could be called on what he's said. And, he makes his statements slippery in anticipation. So he doesn't have to look like Clinton when he gets caught. The problem is Obama has so much confidence and audacity that he can fool people like this (Did you see all that unsubstantiated hope and change bullshit during his campaign?) that he's done it to so many times, it's too easy to see the pattern and Obama's laundry list of broken promises have become legendary.

So now that Afghanistan's not going so well, he's using the escape hatch he set up for himself, "I never said we were removing all troops in July '11!!".

But, he had to say "no open ended committment in Afghanistan" to appeal to his base. Despite his campaigning on Afghanistan being a necessary war, he still wanted to hoodwink his base into thinking he was trying to end it at the same time he was escalating it.

The problem is, the guys in Afghanistan have no feel for the subtly of American politics. You're some poverty stricken village guy in Afghanistan. You've got information that would really help the Americans. But, they've said they're leaving in July 2011. Do you help them? Or, do you keep your mouth shut in an attempt to keep your ass safe after the Americans high tail it out of there?

You think Karzai is going to feel like he has the room to make as many reforms as he might want to and assume American backing?

Bush with his inexperience, and Clinton with his slimey persona, those guys never did something so crass.

Obama had no clue of the damage he would do by playing politics with the efforts of the American military. And now Afghanistan is back in this shit house.

Obama being clueless is a huge theme with this presidency.

#405082 - 06/26/10 04:23 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread


Does anyone else get the sense that ivor is maybe a Monkey alt?

With all the actual Monkey Alts, beginning with DT Danza, I'm quite certain you're alone in this assessment, Dude.

#405083 - 06/26/10 04:51 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread

the only thing I pick up in the gen vs. the pres....

is when Ike took out McArthur.....but those where different times, strategy...we knew just who we were fighting and both the Commander-in-chief and The General of the Army had both class, integrity and dignity.

something that has been lost forever over the generations

#405084 - 06/26/10 05:43 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread


something that has been lost forever over the generations

Like the fact that it was Truman, not Ike. But I agree with the sentiment.

#405085 - 06/26/10 07:04 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
This is reality calling Northrop, are you there? General MacArthur stated that occupying another country is the dark stain that follows the initial invasion victory. Are we not now occupying Afghanistan? Is it reasonable to expect a different result than that encountered by Afghanistan's previous would-be occupiers. Isn't the role of imperial occupier fundamentally anathema to our Constitutional republic? Have not our previous occupations been more trouble than they were worth? Wasn't Albert Einstein spot on when he said that conducting the same experiment and expecting different results was the essence of insanity?

#405086 - 06/26/10 07:10 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread



something that has been lost forever over the generations

Like the fact that it was Truman, not Ike. But I agree with the sentiment.

yes you are correct,,,,but drinking sonetimes will give you early onset zimers,

for the record-

i stand corrected

#405087 - 06/26/10 08:25 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Dad was at the frozen Chosin in the freezin' season and told me all about how Mac almost got him killed, which would have relieved this world of my misdemeanorin's ass.

#405088 - 06/26/10 09:13 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
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Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

This is reality calling Northrop, are you there? General MacArthur stated that occupying another country is the dark stain that follows the initial invasion victory. Are we not now occupying Afghanistan?

I don't remember arguing that whether or not we should be occupying Afghanistan...

But yeah, it's ugly, but we gotta do it. You saw where the White House leaked that there's a trillion dollars in minerals under the Afghan land just waiting to be mined? Can you imagine the Taliban with a trillion dollars in their wallet? We gotta leave a stable government over there.

I saw a poll the other day. Asking average Afghans, 90% wanted the current government. 6% wanted the Taliban to have control. It's doable.

Here's a link to those poll results: Click

The Afghans want us to do it. They just need to know that we're backing them. Did the Afghans want the USSR to set up a government for them? Did the common Afghan people want the USSR to win that war? I'd be surprised if they did, but I don't know the answer for sure. I've just never read about it. But, that may be one difference where we're not just repeating the past and expecting different results.

A huge difference between our mistake in Vietnam vs. Iraq and Afghanistan is that in Vietnam, we were fighting to prevent the people from voting. They all would have voted for Ho Chi Minh and we didn't want that. We were afraid he was in cohoots with the USSR.

But, in Afghanistan and Iraq, we're fighting so that the people can vote. So that their will can be realized.

#405089 - 06/26/10 09:18 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

is when Ike took out McArthur.....but those where different times, strategy...we knew just who we were fighting and both the Commander-in-chief and The General of the Army had both class, integrity and dignity.

Another difference is that McArthur was a massively popular pop-culture figure. Firing McArthur was like being a guy who fired Elvis, told him he can't sing no more. Everybody would hate you.

This Stanley McChrystal guy. I follow the news a lot more than most people and didn't even know he was the general over there. When they talk about him, the pundits will say how well respected by other military insiders he is. But as far as the public goes, this firing is the most press he's gotten, ever.

#405090 - 06/26/10 09:22 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Well-stated, but you have fallen into a all-too common fallacy. Afghanistan is not a constitutional republican society. The issue is not one of referendum, but whether which side is more proficient at the profession of arms. The bad guys seem to have a clear edge there, and Team America can't cover that deficit, See Vietnam 1965-1973. Once more with feeling, if one conducts the same experiment expecting different results, then one is non compos mentis. See Einstein, Albert.

#405091 - 06/26/10 09:24 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
ivorenginedriver Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Northrop, your post on Mac was really fucken spot on old chap.

#405092 - 06/27/10 11:30 PM Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

The issue is not one of referendum, but whether which side is more proficient at the profession of arms.

You really think the towel heads who live in caves are more proficient with arms than the American military?


See Vietnam 1965-1973.

What was miraculous about the Viet Cong was there unending ability to garner more recruits from amongst their own people. No matter how many were killed, there were always a 1000 more to sign up.

We've already decimated Taliban and Al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan once, till we all but left for several years and gave them time to recoup. The whole lesson learned in Iraq was you can't just clear, you also gotta hold. Hold long enough for the local population to develop their own security. That's what we haven't even tried in Afghanistan yet. We just left them without them having their own security.

If they can't do that, then yeah, we'll lose. But, they really haven't had much of a chance yet.

There are always differences in every analogy and I hate it when people just throw out any stupid difference they can think of to ignore the similarities which might sound like what I'm doing. But, the only similarities you've mentioned are that in the 80's Afghanistan, the USSR was a big country that lost to a small country. And, in the 60's/70's, the USA was a big country that lost to a small country. You just think big countries always lose to small countries in war?

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