Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/17/11
Posts: 622
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I'd never heard that booze spiked blood pressure. I'd think the opposite, being a relaxant. But doctor advice trumps. Glad to hear you're doing better.
Too many in a short period of time can acts as the reverse.The stroke was a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic) and they were more concern of any spike in blood pressure would trigger another and with thin blood from drinking result in more bleeding than what could likely be easier to prevent from worsening should another happen. It's more of a precaution thing. So gotta be a good girl for the first year. Been eating more red meat to get the LDL's back up.
Made some fantastic beef jerky the other day with a homemade korean bulgogi marinade. I put some sake in it for the heck of it.