Yes, Art School is MY Movie, even though I got gypped $700 and only got a postage stamp sized pic on the cover, it's my movie. Even though I had to beg to wear black in the film and nearly stabbed you for the over use of the word EMO (which technically isn't a word) I had fun shooting it, even though the basement was flooded and the classroom was 160* and it was 45 min away from home, I had fun. I worked with Felix (who is SO Goth, lemme tell you) and Talon (again gothyer than thou, smell the sarcasm). I wore converse and powder blue and a little lolita dress while my best Goth dress was loaned to Katja for her scene with Kyle, and my boots were left lying on the dressing room floor. I was the Cheerleader for the new direction in porn. I was kinda hoping that with introducing you to the community I know and love it would re invent me and maybe there'd be a beautiful friendship to follow. Art School was shot last June 23. It came out November 15 of 2004. All three times you've called me this year, excuse me, had Malachi call me, was so I could promote you. To be on your red carpet, to talk to the press on your behalf. I am your street cred, which is why when having a civilised debate with some one (you said "Drama") you call me in to back you up. You complain about Brooklyn, calling her a "money grubbing whore that you only see when she needs more" (direct quote now) and I get quaintly misspelled emails with stats about how I'm the most viewed on your site, you're not lieing. That's great. Why am I not on your permanent "to shoot"list? Before Mr. Holiday died you joked with him and I in his office about trying to steal your "Angel". Using Jim's definition of Angel, means that I'm your go to girl. I'm in every one of your movies, you call me just to chat. Still waiting for my phone to ring. Speaking of Jim, he called me every two months just to talk, even though he never shot me. You shoot me once and I never hear from you again. Every time I see you all you talk about is what he kids will think of you. Darlin, hate to remind you but your the same age as Rob. The people that are kids compared to you shouldn't watch porn, they're under age. you're so caught up in what people think though you draw pretty pictures to hid behind and respell someone famous's name, hoping that some of their credibility will rub off. You hire Rob, once, because you "booked an extra scene". A set up mind you, where you hire a diminutive Dominatrix to work with Rob, the Extreme Dom. Any idiot knows that you don't put similar personalities in a scene together, it's that law of Opposites Attract. If you hired Rob you should have picked a Submissive girl to let him work with. If you hired a dominatrix, you should have hired a pain slut like Kris Slater. All I can figure (and I'm giving you the benifit of the doubt now) is that you knew this and decided to purposely film a bad scene to use as blackmail. Whatever, Rob's over it, so am I.
You diss Jimmy D, a friend of mine, telling your "people" to "get this old fart off my set". I know that Jimmy's been shooting since you were in diapers, and just about eveyone who's ever made something of themselves respects to their betters and their elders. Not necessarily using the information imparted to you, but it's Good advice to listen, you just might learn something.
You package your self as the real thing. You're not. You paint your self into a corner, you drag me in to save your ass. I'm not gonna bail you out. But I will do a cheer for you:
Gimme a "P". Gimme and "O". Gimme and "S". Gimme and "E, U, R". What does that spell?