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Registered: 07/24/11
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Originally Posted By: NitneLiun
Originally Posted By: fartz
Originally Posted By: NitneLiun
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
It will be about how we could be so willfully blind to have hired this guy twice.
What's with this "we" shit? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
I hated Obama the first time I heard him speak. Nothing since then has altered my opinion of him.
Well, first let me say thank you for surprising the fuck out of me and posting something reasonable. I wasn't trying to call you on your fair weather racism, which is what you seem to be trying to define it as, I was more or less just calling you on your bullshit
Yeah fucking right. You hated Obama the moment you found out he was black. Don't act like you don't have a posting history, you racist fuck. A lot of people on here act out for the sake of posting, but don't act like you approached a situation like this out of any kind of diplomacy.
As for Obama? Fuck him. Fuck every politician.
That's not entirely true. I was skeptical of Obama when I found out he was black. I began hating him the first time I heard him speak.
It's true that I'm not a big fan of negroes. It's also true that I don't hate them unless they give me a reason to. Obama has given me more than a few reasons to hate him.
Well, first let me say thank you for surprising the fuck out of me and posting something reasonable. I wasn't expecting civil discourse.
I wasn't trying to call you on your fair weather racism, which is what you seem to be trying to define it as, I was more or less just calling you on your bullshit. Being overtly racist is something I believe a lot of people do (myself included) from time to time for comedy's sake. I think it is also a coping mechanism for trying to understand how severe, tragic, and downright overwhelming black crime is. We live in the same city, brother, and I'm sure you know exactly where I'm coming from there. When you flip on the nightly news and they quickly run down the nine black people that were shot by other black people in a five minute flash, then go on to spend ten minutes talking about baseball, you sort of grow numb to just how depressing black on black crime is.
Back on point though, you are one of the only posters that takes the racism thing everywhere you go. It's in your avatar. It used to be in your sig. What I'm saying here is that we depended on you to be the racist guy, and seeing you say you hate the president as a speaker and not as a black person (which you have clearly said in the past) is a letdown of sorts. It's bush league racism coming from a guy that I pretty much assumed was a pro at these things. Jigaloo will always get a pass as he is an elder statesmen and is also the current owner of the gimmick. Plus his schtick is almost entirely aimed at Tritone.
And all of the Obama hate is pretty funny to me. People act like he's different from any other spineless suit that came before him. This may sound selfish, but I like Obama in one aspect and that is simply because he seems to get the Republicans, a group who can't seem to purchase the correct size of panties as not to constantly bunch up in their rancid vaginas, so up in arms that it make for great entertainment. While my hatred for all presidents stands true, I do favor the democratic ones because they make the other side look so bad. Republicans don't understand that in this age of information and low-bullshit tolerance, everything that's worked in the past now works against them. I hope their party stays in their current idiotic state and crumbles like a house of fucking cards. That's one less political party to shove their greed and bullshit up our collective asses. I would be happier than a pig in shit if something tragic happened and the dems went the right down with them. This is not a slant at republicans. I have no party affiliations and think that the current two party system is a downright joke. But the republicans will always be the greater of two evils to me and will remain that way at least until they decide to quit putting people like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc. out there as their mouthpieces, come out and try and reason with other people instead of constantly shitting on anything and everything that can't be shared with their own tribe, and drag their ideals out of the goddamn fifties. Of course, this will never,ever happen and we will continue to let old men in suits with big sharp, dangerous, rotating power tools where their dicks should be, fuck us in the ass until the worms pick our bones clean, but it's fun to fantasize.
Condensed version:
I am extremely high right now.
Edited by fartz (06/09/1307:06 AM) Edit Reason: THE SPELLING AND THE GRAMMAR AND THE COMMAS