Brijaye Love... cute girl in person, sexy accent from the south. Although here's my experience with her last week...

...I was on set with Extreme or perhaps it was the new Evolution Erotica anyways, this cute girl Brijaye is sitting at a table with a guy. I'm quiet and keep to myself finding something to wear for my scene and listening as she speaks. She speaks as if she's been in the business for years on end. So I'm wondering who the heck is she. I'm dying to know!! God damn it someone tell me!

Minutes after I finished my hardcore BJ,licking J-Monte's ass yadda yadda she asks me what my name was. I said "Gen Padova, yours?" ... "Brijaye Love mumble mumble something yadda yadda" I couldn't make out entirely of what she was saying.

She then said "ya you're cute and so small, that was a hot scene you did there. I just did my first scene just recently. I got me some double penetration and I'm gonna break it big in this industry. I got me some plans before I moved here to CA, my friends know about it and they're all rooting me on, it's gonna be great doing this shit"

I stood there nodding my head... and said "wow you did your first scene as a DP? That's really cool but what about pacing yourself so you can make tons of money in the long run and make your career last since you seem to want the stardom?"

sadly enough she said, "nah honey, dont you worry I know whats going on, i got it all planned you just watch me. I told them all to watch, i'm gonna do it."

I kindly and enthusiastically wished her good luck completely giving up on her in trying to help out. Now I'm curious how well she's gonna be with her eager determined attitude. Do you think she'll make it to the top or do you think she's out of line? I think she's more out of line although I do admire her confidence and determination.

Afterall I thought she was a big porn star I hadn't met yet. DARN!

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thought I'd share!