Gears Of War Judgment was kind of a rip. There's hardly any improvements and/or innovations outside of a few new weapons. It's basically just more Gears, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the length combined with the sameness hardly justifies the $60.00 price tag. The campaign lasted about five hours, making it feel more like a Gears 3 DLC pack than a full-fledged title. The kid likes it though, so if he's happy, I'm happy.

Bioshock Infinite is pretty slick so far. I need to get into it a bit more before I decide if the stellar reviews are correct. I like how Ken Levine puts a shiny gloss over simple concepts to make them seem new and revolutionary. Like the chick you escort in the game, Elizabeth, can "take care of herself" in combat which basically means "bullets go right through her".