Yeah, Nick got taken to school and GSP is still boring as hell. And Nick is dumb as shit to say in the press conference that he never paid taxes. You would think the commissions look into that when you are being licensed. Anyway, someone gonna have a memo on their desk Monday morning. Crazy Cabbie did a year in Federal Prison over on Ft Dix for admitting as much on live radio.
After Hendricks, GSP should just retire. No way in hell he is going to be able to compete w/ Spider Silva. If he takes that fight, then he is going to have to have a side bonus on a loss, for diminishing his brand. Silva/Jon Jones is the fight I want to see.
Feel good pic from Bendo's Instagram:
"My mama's 1st ever #BJJ (any kind of) competition, from this past weekend...this 4'9", 50+ year old Korean lady inspires the crap outta me everyday...earned herself a standing ovation and bronze medal too...she was nervous as crap but pulled thru like a #Champ...사 랑 에 오 어 머 님."