Originally Posted By: faceblaster
The only place where mope abuse was rampant and part of the concept were AmBuk and Midnight Prowl, which were completely homo-erotic endeavors where the focus of the content was based on male attention. Sure, they will claim it's about the degradation of the female and forcing her to endure the mopes, but if you watch the scenes you'll see it's all about the guys. The camera work, the comments in the background, the whole thing is gay and I don't mean in the South Park use of the word. It's just homo locker room towel snapping. Those guys who worked the AmBuks and Prowls were without a doubt the biggest assholes in porn valley and that's saying quite a bit.

I enjoyed MP as just watching people being uncomfortable. For whack purposes, it was a totally useless series.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE