Exactly. ECW, as popular as it was, was still an indy fed. It would be like adding deluxe lighting and pyrotechnics to a metal show being held at a hole in the wall bar. The ECW reboot was doomed with presentation alone, not to mention giving it that corporate treatment with hamfisted storylines and characters. The original ECW worked because they were forced to make the most out of what they had.

Dreamer and Raven built one of the most heated, bloody, and brutal feuds to ever grace the ring on a simple story of jealousy and pure hatred. The Sandman was an absolutely terrible wrestler. Terrible! He became a fan favorite through style and attitude. I knew he sucked ability-wise, but instantly became a favorite of mine when, during a bloody barbed-wire match with Cactus Jack, he gained the upper hand in the match, and instead of capitalizing on his momentum, he lit a cigarette and proceeded to take a smoke break mid match, only to get DDT'd on his lit cigarette. It was little things like that that made ECW for me. Seeing Shane Douglas writhe in pain in a figure four, and throw up middle fingers and "fuck you's" to his opponent instead of just wincing on the mat. Chris Chetti deciding to have a dance-off mid match. Watching Van Dam and Sabu break the ropes and continue to tear the house down, broken ring and all.

These are the moments that you just can't improve upon with any amount of money or corporate creative influence.