Hate to set myself up to be wrong, but Maddux, Glavine, Smoltz, Randy Johnson, Biggio, Ichiro. I'm on the fence about Chipper Jones being a HOFer, but I don't think there were any rumors or reasons connecting him to PEDs. Vlad Guerrerro?

Now with guys getting dimed out in the Yankees & Mets locker rooms peddling PEDs, it does cast a pall over Jeter and Piazza, but I don't think there is any reason to think Mariano did them, and he is a lock first ballot guy.

With A-Rod coming out of Seattle, and Jay Buhner there hitting 40 HRs, along with him completely falling apart in Cincy, I have to lump Griffey Jr in with the steroid guys. If it is unfair, so be it, but if he wasn't juicing, then him and all the other guys that were playing clean should have made a bigger stink about the scum that was.

Personally, Pettitte is the guy that used em that hurts the most. He gets a partial pass from me, because he admitted it, but it still taints the memory of a great big game pitcher.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral