You really don't believe that there are tons of guys who fantasize about using their guns to shoot Obama's evil government who couldn't last 2 hours in a real militia and have an unrealistic fantasy about what it would be like?
Do they exist? Sure, why not? I doubt in the numbers that you fantasize about, tho. I guess I'm curious what danger they present. Cue the OKC reference, but that was diesel and fertilizer, not a big bad gun. But like Chuck Schumer, I'm sure you can make the connection.
Your WalMart thing is confusing, too. But not very. It is pretty telling, tho. You don't like the looks of some guns, so they're bad. Never mind you know dick about them. Some folks have a look you don't much care for, plus shop at somewhere that's beneath you. You know dick about them, beyond those two things, but you're able to divine that they're somehow an arguement in favor of background checks and/ or gun control.
You're thinking is elitist and intellectually lazy/ dishonest. You're certainly not alone in that thinking. But it's one of the reasons that your side is losing, and will lose, this fight.