Originally Posted By: Bornyo
I'm not talking about Cleetus. He used it but he doesn't live his hatred.

Here are a few more:

12. Who is "Chopper" and why is Chopper important to Cali people? Tera Patrick's lost dog. Search "Tera needs help. Cali people must read"

13. Who was Gypsy's porn crush before she met me and I made her straight again? yep, Belladonna- she was a moderator on Bella's board with a spiffy avatar when she caught my eye.

14. Who did Chico Traviesio most want to ban, but never did? This one is a toss-up between jamesn and myself but based on his posts in the moderator forum I have to take the nod myself. Credit to Chico/Sergio for never taking me out. The lack of respect is mutual.

15. Whose apartment had empty pizza boxes stacked floor to ceiling? (hint: not Panzer) Christie Lee, as illustrated by AC Cream. You guys gave him the bum rush in that deal. Dude was telling the truth about the dogshit and pizza boxes.

16. What whores bedroom is/was painted geranium red? This would be Mia Rose, and is exactly why I'd prefer to fuck her in the hallway, on the stairs, in the kitchen or wherever else I could tote her because red is not my favorite color.