Ah crap, I must admit (cuz I hate hypocrisy): I rarely ever take FULL advantage of the whores in my life; I talk the talk but I wheel the walk when it comes to whores. Ask Gia Jerkinz, I'm really the Uber-whore's ideal client, jaded enough (and scarred) on the outside to make the whore feel "normal" but on the inside I really am a gentleman burglar. I know all the things to say and not to say....

If I sound fucked-upishly proud of my whore acumen I guess I am, I'll never be married or even in a relationship that lasts more than 9-1/2 months, it's like reigning in hell rather than even loitering in heaven, I'd rather be a good bad guy than a typical "good" citizen anyday.

I did yank her hair back before I popped on her tonsils, I think she said "ow"....that counts for something right?

P.S. A "Stanchion" is one of those heavy duty rubber bumper thingies colored Yellow that allows cars to pull in or back into something without oblitaerating a tailight or denting today's Non-metal paper mache bumpers from Korea or Taiwan.

P.(i).S.S. Christie Lee says "Hi" to y'all
Are you gonna eat that?