Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
^^ He really is right about the comments in mainstream stuff. For all the wallowing in our filth that we do here, we have nothing on 'normal" people.

@EY Are you as hard on the people who find out about a room full of murdered children [who were shot to death with guns] and the first thing they think about is [making an] anti-gun [comment]?

I don't know, I think it would probably seem like a more natural reaction if it was expressed honestly and not couched in political talk radio sound bites. I was at work during the shooting and surrounded by mostly younger college educated women (i.e. Obama voters) and there was a lot of speculation about motive, and a lot of sadness about the loss of life. Nobody mentioned anything about guns or gun control or politics or how to tie the President into the tragedy.

We had a thread about some other nutcase who killed a bunch of people on here a while back and had a much more "natural" discussion about what was wrong with the gunman, why did it happen, etc. There may have been a few comments by the gun nuts spazzing out, but I don't remember them if there were.

My response was about how unusual it was that there was only a single post like the one I responded to. I get threads being derailed and all, but it really was the only single post of its kind. Like I said above, it was my observation about how unusual it seemed that there was only a single post in the whole thread that took that position. First that struck me as odd, then sad, then funny.

As far as the crazies posting responses on mainstream websites: Maybe I'm being naïve, and I certainly don't read many posts made by Billy Bob the local grand wizard and head scrotum licker of the tea baggers if I can help it, but I suspect many of the more unusual posts are probably just teenaged boys trying to be outrageous or trolling people. Maybe I'm wrong.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.