Any weed smoking whore worth her salt knows the importance of hydration.
Burg, or anyone, do you kiss whores?
C'mon man....when i fork over the dough I tell her "if u want kissing I get a discount..." I will however spit her pill of choice ino her mouth free of (reverse)charge, or crush it up and blow it up her ass :banana_stevienicks:
Whore follies update: In my condo building in AC on the top floor lives a former Goldman sachs Senior VP of Thievery and he sends out for holes every now and then as well...about a week ago I am rolling in around 11 pm and passed out in her car in the visitors parking is "Sheila", a white girl with big guns from Indiana who for the past two years has been hooked to the gills on vikes (dont ask me how I know.) I bang on the window (like 7 times) and she finally comes to and looks at me, looks at her watch, waves nervously and starts the engine...I back away and watch as she dials frantic on her phone and backs out.....she rolls about ten feet, stops, gabs for a minute on the phone (or is checking messages, I dunno) and then.....nods off again!! the car rolls slowly backwards until it hits a stanchion and stops. She wakes again, looks at me, thinks for 17 seconds and then pulls in to the same parking space again. SHe gets out and asks "Can I come up for a minute?" Since I am a gentleman burglar I say "uh do I need five hundred bucks this time if its more than a "minute" or is my good samaritan concern anough cuz I am really fucking horny..." She giggles and says nothing (which is a NO, I dont need five hundred bucks.)
I gave her 500 anyway, 87 minutes and two vikes and a splooge later of course.
I'm going to hell for this right?