Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
The Connecticut Shooting thread has turned into a gun control thing. I'm usually up for a good thread derailment, but over the backdrop of those dead people is a little too skeevy for my taste.
I'm respectfully asking the group to not post Gun Control stuff, and the venom that comes with it, on the Conn. Shooting thread and to post it here.
I get that what happened in Conn. has been the catalyst for the new "debate", but I just think that we're talking two different stories at this point.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
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Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The Connecticut Shooting thread has turned into a gun control thing. I'm usually up for a good thread derailment, but over the backdrop of those dead people is a little too skeevy for my taste.
fire that message off to barry0 will ya?.
_________________________ i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#580250 - 01/15/1305:16 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: LouCypher]
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/29/03
Posts: 9489
^ Yeah, and tell that obnoxious windbag Bloomberg, too. He was the first to open his big mouth whining about gun control before the smoke had even cleared in CT. Tomorrow the clown in chief will shamelessly parade out children as a prop to push the gun control laws his cronies on the left have been wanting for years. Can't let a tragedy go to waste.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman
#580323 - 01/16/1311:59 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: LouCypher]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: LouCypher
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The Connecticut Shooting thread has turned into a gun control thing. I'm usually up for a good thread derailment, but over the backdrop of those dead people is a little too skeevy for my taste.
fire that message off to barry0 will ya?.
Wouldn't help. Here's why: No one wants crazies to have guns. We can all agree...except maybe fbf. Unfortunately, the President and his fans see anyone who owns a gun as automatically crazy. I own a gun. Ipso factsy, that makes me crazy. Writing him would not help.
If we could only find someone, maybe a daughter pimping mother, who already has a good penpal relationship with the King. Someone like that would have all sorts of credibility.
The highlights I've heard of his proposals seem to be much ado about nothing. "Dialogues" and enforcing existing laws. He's such a lightweight.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
Imagine this theoretical daughter pimping mother who has a good relationship with King Barry owning a gun. She'd probably shoot herself by accident within a day of buying it.
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
I know she packed a knife. She was clutching it tightly to her she would her daughter's paycheck...when the Jewish Porn Valley hit team came to take her out for speaking her mind. Theoretically, of course.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
That knife was probably stolen from an IHOP.
I picture the theoretical person having a gun akin to a Daffy Duck cartoon. The person would be holding the gun starring down the barrel trying to figure out why the evil people at McDonalds don't serve the McRib year round and why Ronald McDonald doesn't answer their emails because they're a part of the conspiracy and then BOOM.
#580360 - 01/16/1311:30 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: smutspov]
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: smutspov
fuck gun control
Gaddafi was in favor of reinstating the gold standard, shouldn't you Illuminati tinfoil hats faggots be defending him a a hero who was taken out by the NWO and creature from jekyll Island? Go back to playing with GIJoe's you fucking Hydrocephalic troglodyt.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Yeah. In the old days when they were $15 for three years. It was for keeping my friends in cheap guns...and doing some occasional selling. It expired maybe a year after the Brady Bill went through.
I've talked for a year or so about getting one again. It's more expensive..$200...and you need a letter from the Sheriff OKing it. A couple of other hoops to jump through, but nothing insurmountable.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
Obama, Cuomo and Bloomberg are the new 3 Stooges or is that the new Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo ? I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for a long time. No more. He's evil ! Plain and simple.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
I'm not in love with the NRA ad. Sausage and Bulimia are targets and should have protection. It comes with their dad's job, as it should.
You missed the point. Why is the monkey in the White House OK with armed guards protecting his nigglets while they are at school, but against armed guards at other schools?
His little future felons are no more important than little Susie or little Billy
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Originally Posted By: backdoorman
Obama, Cuomo and Bloomberg are the new 3 Stooges or is that the new Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo ? I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt for a long time. No more. He's evil ! Plain and simple.
not a shot at you but this gun thing should be the perfect counter to the Obama cult of personality wave. rednecks and "patriots" vs housewives and minorities.
_________________________ i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
Claude Goddard
Registered: 06/16/07
Posts: 2512
Loc: Slumberland
Burroughs was a trust-fund kid who got hooked on junk, shot his wife, fucked kids in Morocco and joined Scientology. Love his books but not exactly someone to take life lessons from.
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: Claude Goddard
Burroughs was a trust-fund kid who got hooked on junk, shot his wife, fucked kids in Morocco and joined Scientology. Love his books but not exactly someone to take life lessons from.
smutpov probably learned about Burroughs from Kurt Cobain or the Just One Fix video.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
#580495 - 01/18/1303:47 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: LouCypher]
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: backdoorman
Obama, Cuomo and Bloomberg are the new 3 Stooges or is that the new Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo ?
All hyperbole aside and I also think Obama sucks mountains of donkey dicks for a multitude of reasons but is this honestly really what you believe? This is your actual perception of reality? Honest to fucking christ. Go fucking kill your self you senile old fucking idiot.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/09
Posts: 12906
Loc: 3 feet high and rising
Many politicians and high powered executives send their kids to schools with guards. It isn't to protect from random loons, it is to protect from kidnapping for ransom. I know people that went to school in unmarked, blacked out vans w/ guards, and that was in the 80's.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral
#580520 - 01/18/1309:36 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: CxGxPx]
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/29/03
Posts: 9489
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
smutpov probably learned about Burroughs from Kurt Cobain or the Just One Fix video.
Only a Nirvana or Ministry fan would say that.
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Have you read a word he wrote? Naked Lunch and Junkie aren't generally stocked in the walmart book rack next to harry potter and 50 shades of grey.
Hey fuckface, Yeah, I've read a few of his books, but overall, Burroughs was too queer for me. Probably not you. I wouldn't shop at Wal-Mart if my life depended on it, though you must shop there like white trash if you know what books they sell. Who'd have guessed a self loathing misanthrope like yourself who listens to shitty black metal would be defending the status quo unless you're just overplaying your online schtick like you usually do. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman
#580535 - 01/18/1311:59 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Jigaloo]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I'm not in love with the NRA ad. Sausage and Bulimia are targets and should have protection. It comes with their dad's job, as it should.
I believe when the 11 armed guards are mentioned about the school they go to, it's not counting the Secret Service.
There's the rub. I'm sure the guards beyond the SS are a selling point to prospective customers, er, students. Even with all that, a maniac on a suicide mission and some planning could still do a fuckton of damage.
If we're seriously talking about really protecting schools, we need to look at jail/ prison level security. Walls, razor wire, armed guards (plural), sally- ports for dropping off and picking up. The "visitor" sticker I had to wear the other day (that I didn't have to wear 6 weeks ago) will stop no one with bad intentions.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
#580560 - 01/18/1305:33 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: smutspov]
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: smutspov
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
smutpov probably learned about Burroughs from Kurt Cobain or the Just One Fix video.
Only a Nirvana or Ministry fan would say that.
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Have you read a word he wrote? Naked Lunch and Junkie aren't generally stocked in the walmart book rack next to harry potter and 50 shades of grey.
Hey fuckface, Yeah, I've read a few of his books, but overall, Burroughs was too queer for me. Probably not you. I wouldn't shop at Wal-Mart if my life depended on it, though you must shop there like white trash if you know what books they sell. Who'd have guessed a self loathing misanthrope like yourself who listens to shitty black metal would be defending the status quo unless you're just overplaying your online schtick like you usually do. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.
complaining about burroughs being "too much of a fag" seems par course for you right wing idiots. I don't really listen to much black metal because I find a lot of it to be boring shit. It should be fairly obvious I'm much more into grindcore and noise or even gay metalcore bands that most blackmetal.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I'm not in love with the NRA ad. Sausage and Bulimia are targets and should have protection. It comes with their dad's job, as it should.
I believe when the 11 armed guards are mentioned about the school they go to, it's not counting the Secret Service.
There's the rub. I'm sure the guards beyond the SS are a selling point to prospective customers, er, students. Even with all that, a maniac on a suicide mission and some planning could still do a fuckton of damage.
If we're seriously talking about really protecting schools, we need to look at jail/ prison level security. Walls, razor wire, armed guards (plural), sally- ports for dropping off and picking up. The "visitor" sticker I had to wear the other day (that I didn't have to wear 6 weeks ago) will stop no one with bad intentions.
I'm pretty much against gun control. I'd like to say the blame goes to the mentally ill individuals who committed the crimes, I know it's a crazy idea. It's the american psychology and development that is more to blame. Even a pro gun person needs to really take a hard look at statistics that point to someone being 20 times more likely to shoot themselves or a loved one than in any actual self defense/robbery situation. And there is something like a staggering 80 guns per human being in The United States. People are completely fucking diluted if they think the right wing actually gives a flying fuck about citizens being able to keep arms beyond it being a pandering to their voting block......Untreated mental illness seems to be the number one problem, but of course in your ultra capitalist, suck it up, walk it off, be a man, and become a homeless schizophrenic person society we've developed they'll always be people in clock towers with scopes and high powered riffles. The left is being equally moronic and pandering "assult weapon" is a completely contrived bullshit term, what do you define it as a shape a magazine capacity? Someone snipping people with a bolt action .306 is more dangerous and horrific than someone crazy faggot spraying around their shitty carbine.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
It was Leftist do- gooders that emptied the mental institutions in the 70s and made it near impossible to commit someone against their will. Short memories, we have.
I prefer the term "black gun" to "assault weapon". The local paper did a little dialog box of gun definitions a week or so ago...well...their definitions. Basically, an assault weapon can fire one bullet or more with one press of the trigger. An automatic is the same as a semi- automatic...both fire one bullet then with each trigger pull and reload automatically. I love it when people who know nothing about the subject feel they need to mold opinion.
It all depends on who's pulling the trigger. I'm a terrible long range shooter. I'd be worthless in a clocktower.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
It was Leftist do- gooders that emptied the mental institutions in the 70s and made it near impossible to commit someone against their will. Short memories, we have.
I prefer the term "black gun" to "assault weapon". The local paper did a little dialog box of gun definitions a week or so ago...well...their definitions. Basically, an assault weapon can fire one bullet or more with one press of the trigger. An automatic is the same as a semi- automatic...both fire one bullet then with each trigger pull and reload automatically. I love it when people who know nothing about the subject feel they need to mold opinion.
It all depends on who's pulling the trigger. I'm a terrible long range shooter. I'd be worthless in a clocktower.
Institutionalizing people against their will is a whole other ball of slippery slope wax argument that I don't really want to get into right now.. I would assume you wouldn't want the evil gubmint decided who they deem mentally unfit, why, nancy pelosi might just decided to throw god fearing good christians in nut houses for voting against obama!....I'm much more concerned with the gigantic lack of mental health care in this country, maybe if we had socizilized medicine schizoprenics could get the meds they need cheaply but there's really no profit in helping wackjobs....a swiss pall of mine made the point that they have just as many guns in their country but people don't wake up paranoid everyday that they are going to be homeless next month digging in the garbage for something to eat and maybe that has something to do with the way things work in america. The sniper comment was more a reference to the rightwings fetishistic obsession with military might/ the stoic solider, when it's the same system that creates people like Charles Whitman long before Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold where an itch in their daddies ball bags.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
#580637 - 01/19/1305:42 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Jerkules]
the unknown pervert
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Many politicians and high powered executives send their kids to schools with guards. It isn't to protect from random loons, it is to protect from kidnapping for ransom. I know people that went to school in unmarked, blacked out vans w/ guards, and that was in the 80's.
Did you go to school in Mexico or Colombia? The last kid of a big shot to get kidnapped in the U.S. was Patty Hearst.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
“Today The Journal News has removed the permit data from Our decision to do so is not a concession to critics that no value was served by the posting of the map in the first place,†Journal News publisher Janet Hasson explained. “On the contrary, we’ve heard from too many grateful community members to consider our decision to post information contained in the public record to have been a mistake. Nor is our decision made because we were intimidated by those who threatened the safety of our staffers. We know our business is a controversial one, and we do not cower.â€
Because handgun permit information is now classified as private information, not subject to Freedom of Information Law requests, Ms. Hasson said that the map simply lost value to the newspaper’s readers.
“But the database has been public for 27 days and we believe those who wanted to view it have done so already,†she continued. “As well, with the passage of time, the data will become outdated and inaccurate….[W]e will keep a snapshot of our map–with all its red dots– on our website to remind the community that guns are a fact of life we should never forget.
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/24/11
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Loc: Central US
The biggest qualm I have with mental health care lies in the pharmaceutical/doctor relationship. People can't afford shrinks so they go to their regular practitioner and tell them they're depressed. Doctors, seeing dollar signs, would rather sell someone on a quick script for whatever anti-depressant is all over their posters, pens, and notepads than actually diagnose the problem, set up a therapy plan, and let a Psychiatrist that they know the patient can't afford take care of it. They know exactly what their doing. They'll hand you a plastic bag full of samples and then schedule you for a three week check up to see if they sucessfully pushed a drug off on you.
#580685 - 01/19/1311:18 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: CxGxPx]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
It was Leftist do- gooders that emptied the mental institutions in the 70s and made it near impossible to commit someone against their will. Short memories, we have.
I prefer the term "black gun" to "assault weapon". The local paper did a little dialog box of gun definitions a week or so ago...well...their definitions. Basically, an assault weapon can fire one bullet or more with one press of the trigger. An automatic is the same as a semi- automatic...both fire one bullet then with each trigger pull and reload automatically. I love it when people who know nothing about the subject feel they need to mold opinion.
It all depends on who's pulling the trigger. I'm a terrible long range shooter. I'd be worthless in a clocktower.
Institutionalizing people against their will is a whole other ball of slippery slope wax argument that I don't really want to get into right now.. I would assume you wouldn't want the evil gubmint decided who they deem mentally unfit, why, nancy pelosi might just decided to throw god fearing good christians in nut houses for voting against obama!....I'm much more concerned with the gigantic lack of mental health care in this country, maybe if we had socizilized medicine schizoprenics could get the meds they need cheaply but there's really no profit in helping wackjobs....a swiss pall of mine made the point that they have just as many guns in their country but people don't wake up paranoid everyday that they are going to be homeless next month digging in the garbage for something to eat and maybe that has something to do with the way things work in america. The sniper comment was more a reference to the rightwings fetishistic obsession with military might/ the stoic solider, when it's the same system that creates people like Charles Whitman long before Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold where an itch in their daddies ball bags.
I disagree on the Whitman thing. I don't know the exact details, but he did have a sizable brain tumor in an area that controls not whacking the family and bystanders. Neither of us, or anyone, really knows tho.
I will say that your thing about being worried about their next paycheck didn't seem to be a concern for the mass shooters of the last several years. Lanza's job was being nuts. Same with the Colorado shooter, altho I think he may have had a real job of some sort. Kleobold, Harris, the VT shooter were all students, altho I think Kliebold and Harris (or maybe just one of them...I honestly don't remember) had typical high school kid jobs. The guy who shot up the Amish school was an electrician...or something like that. The kids in Oregon and Arkansas that shot up their schools were all students. Going further back to when Post Office shooters were the big rage, all the ones who went postal worked for the Post Office. Government gig, impossible to get fired from. Not a comprehensive list, by any means, but more comprehensive than just throwing out fear of losing a job setting people on suicide missions.
I think suggesting that Pelosi will have people committed because they didn't vote for Obama brings nothing to the discussion. I do find it interesting that you assume the Fed should/ would be in charge of deciding who gets committed and who doesn't. It's very slippery slope when a crat 3000 miles away makes decisions like that. But that isn't how it was in the 50s and 60s. It was done at a local level. Make no mistake, I have no illusion that deciding someone needs to be committed is anything other than grim business. It should be grim. It's a really huge decision and should be taken seriously. I don't trust the Federal gov with that role, but I do trust the local health authorities, who live here, to it. At least to a point.
I understand that forcibly committing people might not be a subject you want to "talk about right now", but I'm not sure we have that luxury. Putting our heads in the sand over the details is what has led us to this point.
I'm with you about the mental health system being inadequate. The problem is that being schizophrenic isn't the same as having a cyst. It takes more than easier access to meds to treat someone with schizophrenia, or any other mental illness. Easier access to meds doesn't mean that people will take them. Through our jobs my girl and I both come into contact with a lot of mentally ill people. When they decide to take themselves off their meds, and they do, it's a pretty hard thing to watch.
As for socialized medicine across the board as a fix for the mental health system, is that really going to be effective? Punish everyone for the inadequacies of a small part of the health care system? Maybe it would be easier to improve the mental health system first rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Make it easier to qualify for disability because of mental illness. Let the protections, such as easier access to treatment, of a disability qualification kick in.
The bigger picture, at least for me, is how the mentally ill are treated in general. Beyond whackjobs shooting up schools. The way we allow the damaged around us suffer needlessly is a fucking crime. Especially in a society that deep down knows better.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s claim that he heard the gunshots of a 2006 school massacre while playing golf is raising questions about his veracity or his memory.
Mr. Biden told a meeting of mayors in Washington Thursday that he was about a quarter-mile away from an Amish schoolhouse on Oct. 2, 2006, when a gunman shot and killed five students and wounded five others.
“I happened to be literally — probably, it turned out, to be a quarter of a mile [away] at an outing when I heard gunshots in the woods,†Mr. Biden recounted. “We didn’t know … we thought they were hunters.â€
But a search of maps of the area in Lancaster County, Pa., shows the nearest golf course to the site of the shooting, Moccasin Run Golf Club, is about five miles away. Rodney King, the golf pro at Moccasin Run, said Friday he was working at the course on the day of the shooting and never saw Mr. Biden, who was then a U.S. senator.
“There’s a lot of things here that I find hard to believe,†Mr. King said. “I looked in my database, and he [Mr. Biden] is not in my database.â€
Even if Mr. Biden had played at the course that day, Mr. King said, “It’s very far-fetched that he would have heard it.â€
“I know he didn’t hear those gunshots,†Mr. King said. “They were inside the school. Even if they were outside, he wouldn’t have heard them.â€
A spokeswoman for the vice president did not return a request seeking comment Friday. Mr. Biden told the story as he was describing for the mayors’ group the Obama administration’s efforts to enact new gun-control laws.
Another golf course in the region, the Lancaster Country Club, is about 10 miles away from the site of the shooting. Mr. King said it’s more likely that a group of golfers including a senator would play there.
“I would be honored to have Joe Biden play here because he’s a public figure,†he said. “But I put myself in his shoes — Moccasin Run Golf Club would not be the golf course I would go to if I’m going on a golf trip. We are a public facility.â€
Mr. Biden said after the shooting, he saw helicopters flying to the scene. Medical helicopters were used to transport victims on that day.
Mr. King said there is a sportsman’s club about a mile from his golf course, and golfers can hear the shots from time to time during target practice. The schoolhouse has since been razed.
While running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2007, Mr. Biden said in a debate that he had been “shot at†during a trip to Iraq. Pressed by reporters, he eventually described three incidents on two separate Iraq trips in which he felt that he was shot at or might have been shot at.
He ended up revising his description by saying: “I was near where a shot landed.â€
Aides later said that on one occasion Mr. Biden heard mortars being fired a few hundreds yards away from the building where he was staying in the Green Zone, and on another occasion a bullet was fired at a helicopter in which he was flying.
He's going to rival Clapton for the title "slowhand," at this rate.
In related news, the competition was stiff at this weekends 2013 Darwin Award Semi Finals. Remarkably, none of the competitors became stiffs themselves.
Zip Coon
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 1958
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The bigger picture, at least for me, is how the mentally ill are treated in general. Beyond whackjobs shooting up schools. The way we allow the damaged around us suffer needlessly is a fucking crime. Especially in a society that deep down knows better.
You'd be singing a different tune if it was black dudes doing the shooting.
White people can be crazy as fuck and no one will ever think ..."Maybe it's something about the white mind?" Brothers fuck up and suddenly its due to our innate violent nature.
#580729 - 01/19/1305:55 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Tritone]
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
Originally Posted By: amberraynefan
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The bigger picture, at least for me, is how the mentally ill are treated in general. Beyond whackjobs shooting up schools. The way we allow the damaged around us suffer needlessly is a fucking crime. Especially in a society that deep down knows better.
You'd be singing a different tune if it was black dudes doing the shooting.
White people can be crazy as fuck and no one will ever think ..."Maybe it's something about the white mind?" Brothers fuck up and suddenly its due to our innate violent nature.
Tri- regardless of the color of skin it has absolutely nothing to do with the weapon. It's not the jawbone of the ass ; it's the ass wielding it.
Edited by backdoorman (01/19/1305:57 PM)
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
#580731 - 01/19/1305:57 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Tritone]
Originally Posted By: amberraynefan
You'd be singing a different tune if it was black dudes doing the shooting.
White people can be crazy as fuck and no one will ever think ..."Maybe it's something about the white mind?" Brothers fuck up and suddenly its due to our innate violent nature.
That's bullshit and you know it. In fairness, though, the post immediately after yours is also bullshit and that poster knows it as well.
I'd ask you the same question, but you're also one of those posting those stupid Hitler memes, if I'm not mistaken. So let me answer in kind: They're not coming for your guns, BDM. They're coming for your Social Security check. And at your age, I should think this might be of concern to you.
We once had a fully auto Uzi 9mm, but it broke down and can't be fixed. My brother used it one time to cut down a tree.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Not a re-group. It's fundamentally the same thing. You're like Tritone's ancestors arguing which of 'em is a quadroon and which is an octroon.
Anyway, I didn't say they should be banned, just that you're splitting hairs. And I like you too, Befuddled, Dour Man. You're one of the last who can argue without being argumentative around here.
Edited to add: I'm far more concerned with the cheap-ass handguns that flood city streets than I am about AR-15s. the former kill and wound far more people than the latter. You can fight crime, but you can't find crazy.
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
Exactly, those guns wind up in the hand of criminals. And that's where the real story lies along with the criminally insane. The focus is on the gun though rather than keeping them out of the hands of those fools.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
Right. But tell that to LaPierre. That's another part of the problem, this insane "no prisoners" approach on both sides: With proper background checks, we should be able to expand the number of people who can safely, legally carry. Problem is, the background checks will piss off the NRA and the expanded number of permits will piss off the other side.
#580793 - 01/19/1309:54 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Tritone]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: amberraynefan
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The bigger picture, at least for me, is how the mentally ill are treated in general. Beyond whackjobs shooting up schools. The way we allow the damaged around us suffer needlessly is a fucking crime. Especially in a society that deep down knows better.
You'd be singing a different tune if it was black dudes doing the shooting.
White people can be crazy as fuck and no one will ever think ..."Maybe it's something about the white mind?" Brothers fuck up and suddenly its due to our innate violent nature.
They are doing the shooting, fool. Does a week go by that a brother doesn't cap a brother at a school somewhere in America? This is a discussion you people really don't want to jump in on. Do you know why it isn't news when a brother caps a brother...or 2...or 6? Because it's so common. "Brothers fuck up". Fucking minstrel. Dance for us, Mr Bojangles.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/09
Posts: 12906
Loc: 3 feet high and rising
I got a disorderly persons for weed possession and a loitering in a known drug area. Would these keep me from getting a firearms license?
I wanna get a .22 for shooting my neighbor's goats next time they try to swarm my horse when he is eating. My plan is to fire a starter pistol to scare em away from the horse, then when they run to the middle of the pasture, plink one in the head. I'll leave the body there for foxes and vultures, as a deterrent to the others. I'd really love to throw a carcass over the fence to his 4 English mastiffs, but I'd never be able to distribute the video.
You gotta be a fucking asshole to own goats. Only reason to own one is to chain it next to briar or poison ivy and starve it until the offending plants are gone. If I can't get the .22, then I'ma stalk em and do em OJ style. Nitrile gloves though.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
Bwahahahahahah Jerk! Quite possibly the funniest post I've read on here. hahahahahahahahahahahh I'm crying in TN. lol [ Course, I just smoked two j's" lol ]
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
I hate the NRA. When you look at the NRA through the prism of what they really are, it all makes sense. They're the biggest scam going: a "non- profit". They have no, zero, zip, nada interest in protecting 2nd Amendment rights. They fund raise. It's what non- profits do. They just have different come- ons. But it's all snake oil. If the Cancer Society cured cancer tomorrow, they'd be out of a job. If there was free food for everyone, 2nd Harvest would be out of a job.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/09
Posts: 12906
Loc: 3 feet high and rising
The last people that owned my neighbor's house had goats years ago. The a-holes didn't care when their goats ate my mom's rhododendrons. Didn't care when the goats used to chase my 9year old ass around our property and knock me around. When the goats figured out how to tag team a pear tree and eat the fruit off, they were gone inside a week.
These fucking goats now have been getting out for 6 months and are grazing across 3 properties (dude is lucky my other neighbor is elderly and don't leave the house much in the winter). They ate down the vegetation over my leech field, so I have no use for them now. I'm getting sick of kicking piles of goat raisins in the yard and sweeping them off the walk way.
They are all inbred and dum as shit. Neighbor had 2 goats he bought at sales, 1 gray, useless, show type make goat, and a female meat goat. Now he got like 7 inbred fucking goats that get dumber and more troublesome every generation. Some are like 3rd or 4th generation inbred. He had one born dead last year. It was brown and he though maybe a goat got knocked up by a deer. When I said it could be a deformity from 4th generation inbreeding, he looked at me kind of insulted.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
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Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
It was Leftist do- gooders that emptied the mental institutions in the 70s and made it near impossible to commit someone against their will. Short memories, we have.
I prefer the term "black gun" to "assault weapon". The local paper did a little dialog box of gun definitions a week or so ago...well...their definitions. Basically, an assault weapon can fire one bullet or more with one press of the trigger. An automatic is the same as a semi- automatic...both fire one bullet then with each trigger pull and reload automatically. I love it when people who know nothing about the subject feel they need to mold opinion.
It all depends on who's pulling the trigger. I'm a terrible long range shooter. I'd be worthless in a clocktower.
Institutionalizing people against their will is a whole other ball of slippery slope wax argument that I don't really want to get into right now.. I would assume you wouldn't want the evil gubmint decided who they deem mentally unfit, why, nancy pelosi might just decided to throw god fearing good christians in nut houses for voting against obama!....I'm much more concerned with the gigantic lack of mental health care in this country, maybe if we had socizilized medicine schizoprenics could get the meds they need cheaply but there's really no profit in helping wackjobs....a swiss pall of mine made the point that they have just as many guns in their country but people don't wake up paranoid everyday that they are going to be homeless next month digging in the garbage for something to eat and maybe that has something to do with the way things work in america. The sniper comment was more a reference to the rightwings fetishistic obsession with military might/ the stoic solider, when it's the same system that creates people like Charles Whitman long before Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold where an itch in their daddies ball bags.
I disagree on the Whitman thing. I don't know the exact details, but he did have a sizable brain tumor in an area that controls not whacking the family and bystanders. Neither of us, or anyone, really knows tho.
I will say that your thing about being worried about their next paycheck didn't seem to be a concern for the mass shooters of the last several years. Lanza's job was being nuts. Same with the Colorado shooter, altho I think he may have had a real job of some sort. Kleobold, Harris, the VT shooter were all students, altho I think Kliebold and Harris (or maybe just one of them...I honestly don't remember) had typical high school kid jobs. The guy who shot up the Amish school was an electrician...or something like that. The kids in Oregon and Arkansas that shot up their schools were all students. Going further back to when Post Office shooters were the big rage, all the ones who went postal worked for the Post Office. Government gig, impossible to get fired from. Not a comprehensive list, by any means, but more comprehensive than just throwing out fear of losing a job setting people on suicide missions.
I think suggesting that Pelosi will have people committed because they didn't vote for Obama brings nothing to the discussion. I do find it interesting that you assume the Fed should/ would be in charge of deciding who gets committed and who doesn't. It's very slippery slope when a crat 3000 miles away makes decisions like that. But that isn't how it was in the 50s and 60s. It was done at a local level. Make no mistake, I have no illusion that deciding someone needs to be committed is anything other than grim business. It should be grim. It's a really huge decision and should be taken seriously. I don't trust the Federal gov with that role, but I do trust the local health authorities, who live here, to it. At least to a point.
I understand that forcibly committing people might not be a subject you want to "talk about right now", but I'm not sure we have that luxury. Putting our heads in the sand over the details is what has led us to this point.
I'm with you about the mental health system being inadequate. The problem is that being schizophrenic isn't the same as having a cyst. It takes more than easier access to meds to treat someone with schizophrenia, or any other mental illness. Easier access to meds doesn't mean that people will take them. Through our jobs my girl and I both come into contact with a lot of mentally ill people. When they decide to take themselves off their meds, and they do, it's a pretty hard thing to watch.
As for socialized medicine across the board as a fix for the mental health system, is that really going to be effective? Punish everyone for the inadequacies of a small part of the health care system? Maybe it would be easier to improve the mental health system first rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Make it easier to qualify for disability because of mental illness. Let the protections, such as easier access to treatment, of a disability qualification kick in.
The bigger picture, at least for me, is how the mentally ill are treated in general. Beyond whackjobs shooting up schools. The way we allow the damaged around us suffer needlessly is a fucking crime. Especially in a society that deep down knows better.
I know Whitman had a brain tumor going on but I believe you knew more what I was refering to about the way america claims to love and worship the solider yet the chickenhawks are no where to be found when another Shell shocked section eight ends up either freezing to death on a sewer grate or blowing up a bus load of nuns. I really don't get this weird libertarian fixation that seems to believe that local level government is somehow less corrupt, or fucking incompetent than the big fed really trust your local comptroller to decide who get's shoved in a looney bin? okee's sure worked for out great for Lousiana AKA the worlds largest for profit prison system....Imagine a corrupt local level for profit nuthouse system....a governor as big of a scumbag as Jindall wanting to get rich by having as many lobotomies performed as thanks. maybe one day when we've finally grown beyond the need for any government and moved into the level of the true COMMUNIST united federation of planets utopia I'd be a little more trusting of such a thing....talking about people worrying about waking up without jobs was more a generalization about the american collective psychology as a whole, possibly amping up the over all violence/paranoia level as opposed to specific instances...I do like how you concede that mental health in general is horrifically lacking, I'm not just picking on the united states but I will continue to point a big finger at capitalism.
I'd really got into each of your bullet points into more detail with my own long winded bullet points but I'm tired and fucking brain dead right now. I do appreciate you for putting a level of thought into your posts above that of a microcephalic waterhead.
Edited by FAT BLOODY FINGERS (01/20/1303:14 AM)
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Vice Admiral
Human Garbage
Registered: 09/18/08
Posts: 1574
Right. But tell that to LaPierre. That's another part of the problem, this insane "no prisoners" approach on both sides: With proper background checks, we should be able to expand the number of people who can safely, legally carry. Problem is, the background checks will piss off the NRA and the expanded number of permits will piss off the other side.
There are two problems with a universal background check requirement.
The first is that background checks cost money and require some infrastructure that private sellers are unlikely to have. Most private sales are one guy selling a used gun to another. Are they supposed to go to the police station for that?
The second is that background checks establish the framework of an infrastructure to register all gun ownership, which in turn presents the possibility of later confiscation. Do you really want the government to know where every gun is?
By the way, if you think the government ought to be taking action on those background checks, perhaps by arresting and prosecuting those who are caught lying on the forms, your Vice President has already dismissed that idea, saying "We haven't got time for that!" What's the point of all these background checks you want, then?
Seems to me that the objective is merely to harass and burden those of us who would pass the checks anyway.
The only people up here with farm animals are hippies. I know one girl with a goat and another whose kids raise chickens. People up here seem to forget that this is bear country and get all upset when bears do what they do, which is eat other animals. Especially ones that are trapped in pens.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#580845 - 01/20/1312:26 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: CxGxPx]
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/18/11
Posts: 720
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: smutspov
Have you read a word he wrote? Naked Lunch and Junkie aren't generally stocked in the walmart book rack next to harry potter and 50 shades of grey.
Have you ever read a word he wrote? If Burroughs - or Thompson for that matter - gave a shit about anything besides narcotics, firearms, and alcohol, he certainly wasn't writing about it in his prime.
I think she's hot, hot, hot and that gives her vagina tattoo bonus points. The cat-nose-and-whiskers, though, makes me wonder. That doesn't seem like a smart tattoo at all.
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
There are two problems with a universal background check requirement.
The first is that background checks cost money and require some infrastructure that private sellers are unlikely to have. Most private sales are one guy selling a used gun to another. Are they supposed to go to the police station for that?
The second is that background checks establish the framework of an infrastructure to register all gun ownership, which in turn presents the possibility of later confiscation. Do you really want the government to know where every gun is?
By the way, if you think the government ought to be taking action on those background checks, perhaps by arresting and prosecuting those who are caught lying on the forms, your Vice President has already dismissed that idea, saying "We haven't got time for that!" What's the point of all these background checks you want, then?
Seems to me that the objective is merely to harass and burden those of us who would pass the checks anyway.
Biden is worthless skin. Lying on a 4473, or whatever the new Are You Crazy Form that exists today, is a federal crime to begin with.
All the checks in the world will not someone obsessed with the mission. They're to inconvenience the law abiding, because guns are bad, m'kay? There is no other reason.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/18/11
Posts: 720
Won't someone pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez think of the children?
I think she's hot, hot, hot and that gives her vagina tattoo bonus points. The cat-nose-and-whiskers, though, makes me wonder. That doesn't seem like a smart tattoo at all.
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
As long as we "do something" we're not responsible. That's important in a society where collective blame and guilt are so ingrained. Unintended or intended consequences don't matter, because now I can look at myself in the mirror and not see a murderer. I did something. Plus, believing the right way is as, or more, important as actually doing the right thing.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
The Connecticut Shooting thread has turned into a gun control thing. I'm usually up for a good thread derailment, but over the backdrop of those dead people is a little too skeevy for my taste.
I'm respectfully asking the group to not post Gun Control stuff, and the venom that comes with it, on the Conn. Shooting thread and to post it here.
I get that what happened in Conn. has been the catalyst for the new "debate", but I just think that we're talking two different stories at this point.
Sort of coincidentally I almost took a concealed carry class last weekend. It was my first weekend off since before the holidays and I decided instead to sleep in late, sit around in my underwear, watch TV and scratch my balls instead, but it got me thinking. There were 3 or 4 women taking the class who I wouldn't trust to carry a pen knife without accidentally inflicting major life threatening wounds on themselves and any innocent bystander within a 5 mile radius if they were ever "attacked" (let alone carry a loaded gun).
This may not be the discussion you were looking for, but....
Anybody familiar with the .357 SIG caliber round in a decent pistol? I have heard some really good things about it, but don't have much experience with it. My experience with handguns is pretty minimal (that is a very relative statement) since I've always believed the best home defense weapon is a shotgun and have never carried a handgun while hunting (although I realize a lot of people do). Anyway, I've noticed the pistol crowd really seems to break down into 2 groups: Pro Glock and Anti Glock. I'm leaning towards a revolver if I do get a concealed carry rather than a pistol, but anybody have any particular experience or recommendations?
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
A hammerless revolver is foolproof and makes a good first concealed carry weapon. You can't accidentally discharge it and it can't jam. The automatics can come later.
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/30/08
Posts: 7600
Loc: a site known for its tolerance...
got a good link? the only guns i've fired were handguns with clips. I think i'd be more comfortable shooting a revolver.
Edited by tattypatty (01/21/1301:37 PM)
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock
Google a "Ruger LCR" or "Smith & Wesson Bodyguard Revolver". Either of those are great little guns. If I'm not mistaken both are available in .357 magnum. My chick has one and a friend has the other, so I've shot them both. Being hammerless they will carry more easily in many ways, and the gun cannot repose with the hammer cocked.
#581268 - 01/24/1311:02 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: Bornyo]
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
OK, what the hell, let's actually discuss gun control.
Since the second amendment expressly stresses the importance and role of regulation as the pre-requisite to gun ownership, shouldn't the laws be tougher?
I'm thinking along the lines of having to prove your competence and ability after you prove your suitability (i.e. mental health, criminal record, etc).
I don't think the type of gun or size of the ammo clip should be the issue, rather it should be about the ability of the individual (and prospective future militia member). I don't think any wack job should be allowed to be able to carry a deadly weapon. Nor should an elderly person with dementia who can't recognize family members from strangers. Nor should a person with Parkinson's Disease be allowed to own a gun unless they can hit the bulls eye and not the bystanders. Not only that, let's take it a step further. I think people should be required to show competence not just a driver's license. Even if a person is intelligent, mentally and physically sound, has no criminal record, is a pillar of the community, a nice guy, and a life time member of the NRA, they should be denied the ability to own a gun if they can't demonstrate good gun safety and the ability to shoot competently.
I would also propose making classifications of weapon types and giving certifications for the ability to own those weapon types.
That is real gun control. The kind of gun control our Constitution demands.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
Do you really want the government to know where every gun is?
In a word: Yes. If they're kept legally, for home/business defense, then what's the problem? If they're kept for the "day the gov't comes a-cracking down. . ." then registration ain't gonna matter, counselor. Your argument is specious.
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
I'm pretty much done arguing about gun control with anyone. People seem to be pretty much set in their beliefs. As inferred before, I'm not angry and Fox news doesn't have shit to do with my beliefs. I'm just determined to stand up for the bill of rights. What does blow my mind is the ease of which people seem to want to give up so much and allow government control and intrusion into our lives so insidiously. Guess there's no point arguing about that either.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
#581305 - 01/25/1309:17 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/29/03
Posts: 9489
Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
That is real gun control. The kind of gun control our Constitution demands.
Nah, that's what misguided gun control advocates demand. It's the "militia" that the 2nd Amendment says should be "well-regulated," which is then followed by the caveat "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Militias were formed by ordinary people who joined together to bear arms against the tyranny of the British Empire.
Gun control = infringement.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/09
Posts: 12906
Loc: 3 feet high and rising
They used 9/11 to rape the 4th Amendment, they using this school shooting to gut the 2nd. Once that is accomplished, the 1st Amendment will be the next target, with PC loons going after hate speech, but like anything else in DC, their will be so much bloat and vagueness, you'll be in fear of saying "hello" to anyone.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral
#581446 - 01/25/1308:30 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: smutspov]
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Originally Posted By: smutspov
Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
That is real gun control. The kind of gun control our Constitution demands.
Nah, that's what misguided gun control advocates demand. It's the "militia" that the 2nd Amendment says should be "well-regulated," which is then followed by the caveat "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Militias were formed by ordinary people who joined together to bear arms against the tyranny of the British Empire.
Gun control = infringement.
So, it's the militia that should be regulated, but not any of the members or their ability to utilize firearms? So what about it should be regulated, the type of coffee they drink?
That phrase came first for a reason. Gun ownership should be well regulated. There wasn't a new paragraph separating those two ideas. Shit, there wasn't even a period.
A well regulated militia made up of mentally unstable blind quadriplegics with dementia perhaps? I'm sure the NRA would fight for their right to be mindlessly dangerous--as long as they donated a few bucks to their pimps in Washington, D.C.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#581451 - 01/25/1308:40 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
While we're at it, let's burst this gun nut wacko fantasy that militias during the time of our forefathers where just a bunch of guys who decided they had a few hours before the next TV show came on and so they wandered out of the bar, grabbed their gun, shot at a few redcoats, and then went back home and got in bed. Like they accepted anybody who had an hour to spare, some extra ammo, a gun, and they got to have fun camping out in the woods and go home when they got homesick and nobody cared how well they could shoot.
And the Bill of Rights doesn't say they are allowing gun ownership for regular schmucks to get together and make up a circle jerk and call it a militia. It was very specific that they were only interested in a very well REGULATED militia.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#581464 - 01/25/1309:06 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
While we're at it, let's burst this gun nut wacko fantasy that militias during the time of our forefathers where just a bunch of guys who decided they had a few hours before the next TV show came on and so they wandered out of the bar, grabbed their gun, shot at a few redcoats, and then went back home and got in bed. Like they accepted anybody who had an hour to spare, some extra ammo, a gun, and they got to have fun camping out in the woods and go home when they got homesick and nobody cared how well they could shoot.
I'm not sure anyone thinks this^^^. I mean, I don't doubt for a second that you think people believe it. But I doubt anyone really does.
What I took from the Patriot wasn't fun camping in the woods. The scene that spoke to me was Max and the Joker standing on the upper floor or the abandoned house watching the battle in the back yard. Tomato, tomatoe.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
You really don't believe that there are tons of guys who fantasize about using their guns to shoot Obama's evil government who couldn't last 2 hours in a real militia and have an unrealistic fantasy about what it would be like?
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#581474 - 01/25/1309:29 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
By the way, let's separate people who support the right of responsible citizens to own guns from "gun nuts".
I'm not against owning guns. I think that if you have the ability to use a gun responsibly (which implies skill as well as safety) you SHOULD feel obligated to own a gun.
But I don't think a responsible gun owner is for the idea of no regulation, no rules, and no laws. Anybody who could spend 5 minutes in any Walmart watching average Americans waddle by and not feel like gun regulation is a good thing, should, by default, not be allowed to own a gun.
Regulation is not only a good thing, it is constitutionally mandated.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
the unknown pervert
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Originally Posted By: backdoorman
What does blow my mind is the ease of which people seem to want to give up so much and allow government control and intrusion into our lives so insidiously. Guess there's no point arguing about that either.
Seems like a silly thing to argue over on a porn board.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#581500 - 01/26/1308:54 AMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/24/11
Posts: 2330
Loc: Central US
Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
You really don't believe that there are tons of guys who fantasize about using their guns to shoot Obama's evil government who couldn't last 2 hours in a real militia and have an unrealistic fantasy about what it would be like?
I deal with idiots like these on a daily basis. They're definitely out there. They're mad because they're not making any money working construction/carpenter jobs. Kinda' funny how their bubble burst on Bush/banks/wall street's watch and they just can't accept that because no matter how logical or obvious the reasoning, it'll never outshine their hatred for a black president.
I'm not endorsing the president, I could really give a shit. I have a family to love, games to play, and wrasslin' to watch. I'm just not fucking stupid.
OK, what the hell, let's actually discuss gun control.
Since the second amendment expressly stresses the importance and role of regulation as the pre-requisite to gun ownership, shouldn't the laws be tougher?
I'm thinking along the lines of having to prove your competence and ability after you prove your suitability (i.e. mental health, criminal record, etc).
I don't think the type of gun or size of the ammo clip should be the issue, rather it should be about the ability of the individual (and prospective future militia member). I don't think any wack job should be allowed to be able to carry a deadly weapon. Nor should an elderly person with dementia who can't recognize family members from strangers. Nor should a person with Parkinson's Disease be allowed to own a gun unless they can hit the bulls eye and not the bystanders. Not only that, let's take it a step further. I think people should be required to show competence not just a driver's license. Even if a person is intelligent, mentally and physically sound, has no criminal record, is a pillar of the community, a nice guy, and a life time member of the NRA, they should be denied the ability to own a gun if they can't demonstrate good gun safety and the ability to shoot competently.
I would also propose making classifications of weapon types and giving certifications for the ability to own those weapon types.
That is real gun control. The kind of gun control our Constitution demands.
Why not a physical fitness test?
You're either born miserable, or....fuck you.
#581652 - 01/27/1301:02 PMRe: Gun Control
[Re: E.Y.Davis]
Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
You really don't believe that there are tons of guys who fantasize about using their guns to shoot Obama's evil government who couldn't last 2 hours in a real militia and have an unrealistic fantasy about what it would be like?
Do they exist? Sure, why not? I doubt in the numbers that you fantasize about, tho. I guess I'm curious what danger they present. Cue the OKC reference, but that was diesel and fertilizer, not a big bad gun. But like Chuck Schumer, I'm sure you can make the connection.
Your WalMart thing is confusing, too. But not very. It is pretty telling, tho. You don't like the looks of some guns, so they're bad. Never mind you know dick about them. Some folks have a look you don't much care for, plus shop at somewhere that's beneath you. You know dick about them, beyond those two things, but you're able to divine that they're somehow an arguement in favor of background checks and/ or gun control.
You're thinking is elitist and intellectually lazy/ dishonest. You're certainly not alone in that thinking. But it's one of the reasons that your side is losing, and will lose, this fight.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Maybe this would have been better in the "Latest Purchase" thread, but what the hell...
So, I just got back from the gun range and got to thinking about this old thread.
For my first new gun a couple of years ago, the decision was made for me since it was a gift. I didn't love it.
Since then, I got a Glock 19 Gen4 in 9mm and really liked it a lot.
However, just a few days ago I got the gun that I have really been wanting for a while: a Smith & Wesson 586 distinguished combat magnum in .357 mag. It was love at first sight. Today was my first day shooting it at the range. Apart from the usual military and police types, there was a guy with his girlfriend and also two guys horsing around in the lanes next to me that were all terrible shots, annoying as hell, and borderline dangerous and it made me think about this old thread.
I'm finally getting around to taking my concealed carry class this weekend.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.