Or Ken Levine got a meal ticket at some point and it doesn't matter that his shit's just not that awesome.
Whoever it was developed by, the first part was a bad console port with shoddy controls and lobotomised AI.
Get the fuck out of here with that niz-noise. Shoddy controls? Bioshock controlled like a dream, had an amazing immersive setting, and was one of the only games that I've ever played where I didn't see the plot twist coming a mile away. Let me guess, SystemShock 2 sucked too, right?
Man, pipe, I knew you were an elitist of sorts, but this is just ridiculous. Lobotomised AI? Are you fucking serious? I actually tested the AI on that game, wondering just how far I could run and hide from a pissed off Big Daddy and get away with it. I set one on fire, ran through about ten rooms, through a secret tunnel, and hid far away from that angy son of a bitch. I was thinking "No fucking way the AI is advanced enough to trace a route to my position, but sure enough, about four and a half minutes later, BOOM! he busted through a goddamn door and slaughtered me. But to each his own, I guess.
Bioshock 2 was developed by 2K Marin, which explains why it kind of sucked, and didn't have the fullness or engaging story that can only come from Irrational:
That may explain why I played Bioshock 2 and wondered what all the hype was about. Seemed like a perfectly good FPS but not much more.
I just picked up the Las Vegas extensions for Fallout 2 New Vegas. Addictive stuff.
Completed Journey, one of the best games I've ever played in terms of design, up there with Ico and Shadows of Colossus which are obvious influences. Pretty unique puzzle game essentially, but how many games can you use the word 'meditative' to describe it?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed journey for it's thoughtful approach, tranquil, yet sublety dangerous atmosphere and overall artistic merit, but fuck, talk about over-rated. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but not the amazing, mind-blowing, epic (three hour) experience that the gaming community have circle-jerked it out to be. Shadow of the Colossus on the other hand, was a goddamn masterpiece.