This is the one you want, right? You sure you don't want to change this again before I respond? Alright then, here we go.

Originally Posted By: Claude Goddard

I'm not an environmentalist, another assumption down the shitter for you. 'Identity politics' are hardly a cornerstone of the left outside of North America, another clueless statement. Outside the US liberal means moderate or even right of centre but you'd have to travel somewhere beside Mexico to get drunk and fuck whores to know that. Remember what the Bad News Bears taught us about assuming things.

And talk about predictable: I knew as soon as I mentioned you in that post to Meat you'd pop up and did it with that intention, you must search for your name on XPT, like an attention-starved PW.

Every politically hackyned phrase you spew reveals how clueless and frustrated you really are, you use pre-packaged slogans supplied to you by others from the paranoid corners of the internet so you don't have to think for yourself. My guess would be that you were raised as an unthinking leftie and have now flipped to the other side and become an unthinking right-wing blowhard who bores everyone at the bar with his bullshit about niggers and immigrants.

Some one takes a poke at you and you're instantly off on a political tangent, it's part of your victim complex (aka fuckin' liberals), no doubt fuelled by your inability to take responsibility for your out-of-control drinking and temper with family members.

They're all socialists and I don't break you people down in to groups smaller than that. No need. Sure you knew just what I'd do, just like you know what music, movies, and books are acceptable for everyone to consume. Just like you know that anyone that does not agree with your geopolitical views 100% have to be uniformed, uneducated, and just plain wrong.

You may think the term confident ignorance is just some hackneyed label found in an obscure corner of the internet, but I could not honestly find a better or more accurate description for you. I don't believe anyone else could either.