#577789 - 12/20/1209:03 PMRe: Gen Padova Whore Recovery
[Re: whorebot]
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 04/17/11
Posts: 622
My thoughts are generally fine but can't get the words out quick enough to keep up. Sometimes I say a word and I don't think its right so I say it again. Most times it still doesn't sound right and need someone to reassure me its right or not. There are times I cant think of the right word to use and oddly a word that has nothing to do with what I mean is a word I want to use but I catch myself before saying it since it takes me more time to speak. It puts the whole think before you speak in perspective. If I'm anything but relaxed or get slightly worked up then my thoughts will freeze and I feel trapped but even though it feels like forever I think it lasts a few seconds.
Some memory is affected. I don't remember any conversations I had the day if happened go until a few days after. I apparently drove myself to the doctor the second day and I don't remember. Luckily its only 3min down one road. Other memory issues is I'll forget completely what I was saying and even what the topic is out of nowhere. It feels like someone pushed my delete button or something. Its a empty lost feeling and very hard to not dwell on it. Lastly, I do things like this often lately today for example:
I walked down stairs three different times i think wihtin 20min with the ikntention to turn the light off in the great room. Each time I went down I ended up doimg something else I can't remember what. Then I go back upstairs, minutes later realizing I need to turn the light off. So I go back down and repeat. By the fourth time I got it but I kept saying in my head over and over 'turn the light off' so I wouldn't forget. The odd part is I don't realize I forget when I get back upstairs. Its like I thought I already took care of it and then realized I didn't. Its weird.
The first four days I had a hard time typing, didn't try writing. I'm better typing, almost perfect but I'm slower than my 70-80 wpm. Getting better though.