Originally Posted By: Jerkules
In these situations everyone looks to point a finger. There has to be something to blame. Side effects of anti-psychotics. Guns. Violent video games. Bullying. Violent TV shows and movies. The only blame lies in the damaged brain of the shooter. Whether he was born broken, or he became broken growing up, he obviously couldn't cope in the world and it is good for us and him that he is dead.

There are thousands just as damaged, walking among us that are ticking time bombs. Whether they wind up shooting up a school, ball peen hammer their wife and children, put their head in an oven, wanna see the insides of a dead hooker, or numb themselves with narcotics and just become a leech on society, there is nothing that can be done.

Or they do nothing. I believe that's probably the majority. Or they're good at the hustle and go through life without anyone knowing what they're up to.

It's naive and intellectually lazy to talk about "making sure it never happens again". Short of living in a bubble, life is a dice roll. Bad shit happens. Bad people do bad shit. No matter what we do, one thing is certain. It will happen again.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE