Originally Posted By: LouCypher
the days of Walter Cronkite feeding you the news and your opinion are over.

True that. This is one of my pet peeves, the 24hr news cycle and the complete lack of context or journalism in today's media. We watch live news feeds with announcers stammering and saying things like: "Well, we don't know anything at the moment" and just guessing at theories. Then we switch over to some pundits or paid experts to further hypothesise about what may or may not have just transpired and lead us down some rabbit holes to further along their agenda. It's bullshit and misinformation and in no way Journalism. Being witness to an event is not journalism.

Add to that the celebrity awarded these fucktard murderers for their actions and you have a motive. Why do we plaster the media with backstory on the shooters and pictures? Do we really want to know what they were like as children? Fucking leave that for the shrinks and judges and take it out of the instant news stories. Wanna do bio's, do the victims'.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward