Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis

A single normal voice. I was glad to see this post.

I had originally started to post about how fucked up you guys were who can find out a school full of small children are murdered and your only thought is about your love for guns (aside from the obviously emasculated racists who bring in President Obama no matter what the subject is). What a bunch of abnormal weirdos.

What can you expect this is an abnormal place. I'm not defending the kind of repulsive cold hearted statements made by idiots like tranzer, but if you think it's bad here, check out the comments on the yahoo news articles from allegedly normal people. You should be equally disgusted if not more by politicians, media pundits & celebrities using it as a political opportunity before people have had a chance to grieve. Not many people are making any sense anywhere in regards to this senseless tragedy. Wtf is normal in this fucked up world anyway?
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman