Well it's seems to be working so far. With watching calories, walking 20 minutes, light weights, no more sweet tea, and no more waking up in the middle of the night and scarfing down a Little Debbie in a Diphenhydramine haze, I've managed to drop three pounds in one week. I really don't get the counting calories thing. My girl's RDI is like 1400 and mine is fucking 2000. There's no way I can hit that eating healthier. Fuck, I mean, I used to do about 2000 by skipping breakfast and lunch then gorging on dinner and busting out snacks throughout the night. Now, with the healthier eats, I'd have to eat like three fucking pounds of broccoli to meet that RDI. It doesn't make sense to feel full, look at my RDI, then be like, "Oh I need 600 more calories, better stuff the shit out of myself!!" My plan is to drink the water, do the exercises, and eat three squares that aren't too offending. Oatmeal and a bannana for breakfast, a low portion bullshit microwave meal for lunch, then a normal dinner with more veggies then carbs. Fuck this 2000 calorie shit, I've dropped three pounds not meeting my RDI, so I'm going to keep going with what works.

Except on my birthday on the 27th. I'm eating a huge barbeque pork steak and a half-pound gourmet cupcake. I can cheat for one day, goddamit.