Originally Posted By: J.B.
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
And there we are. Doesn't matter how many jobs it costs. Doesn't matter the collateral damage to companies that do business with PJs or the companies that do business with those companies.

Well, Barry, maybe if they hadn't decided to give away Two Million Pizzas as a promotional stunt, they wouldn't have to threaten to cut anyone's job, huh?

Your argument is specious. Anyway, thanks for rushing to the defense of the crappy chain pizzas at the expense of the small businesses the (R)'s pretend to support but throw under the bus. You think the minorities re-elected Obama on their own?

^^^There's your small business owners/Local Pizzeria Owners right there.

How is the argument specious? Does a huge gov implemented subtraction from the bottom line not hurt businesses? Please, enlighten us how an additional $300+/ month cost per employee helps a business.

Not entirely sure what your pic proves. I am pretty sure that the folks who work at my local (insert chain store/ resteraunt here) are local to me.

As for the 2 million pies promo, I'm sure you can't see a difference between a deliberate promotional decision by a company and a new tax spearheaded by a President who has no idea how a business runs and has never held a real job or had to make a payroll.

Yeah, Little Cesears does suck, tho. But they obviously have a customer base that keeps them in business. Don't like, don't go there.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE