As the OP, Gia, aren't you obligated to post some pics for the rest of us to, uh, monitor your progress? *cough* *cough*

After almost a year of physical therapy for an SI joint problem I got from going to Bar Method classes, I realized that pussy workouts only work if you're under the age of 25 and you're starving yourself (if you're a girl). So I took up kettlebells at my advanced age of 35 (now 36) and I absolutely love it. I need to work in some OL-style barbell work and I'm going to invest in a personal trainer for that so I don't kill myself. I'm definitely avoiding those Crossfit tards for sure; I can't stand working out with men trying to out-alpha one another.

Nutrition-wise, I'm trying to follow a Paleo/intermittent fasting approach...but I'm failing because I really love to drink and I'm out and about so much for work events and meetings.