Originally Posted By: Jerkules
People of Ohio chose the guy that saved their jobs rather than Mr. Outsource and Hide Profits Offshore, stunning.

You still got the Thunder to root for, have2.

You mean the guy who stole thousands of retirees pensions, who worked for Delphi, whose only sin was not being union? The boom in Ohio is from natural gas fracking. Too bad that will go away along with Virginia's coal mining industry. The EPA have a ton of new regulations ready that will effectively kill both. Now that Obama can be more "flexible", he may be able to take away my Thunder, but he can never do something truly awful like make me a Jets fan.

As for Christie winning in 2016, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Two RINO's in a row and two losses in a row equals not much chance the more conservative members of the party will even vote Republican, if they keep the party together at all.