Originally Posted By: Akholic
Originally Posted By: Doctor Boris
I am a citizen, but don't people have to register in advance for voting, or can I just show up at the voting site with my passport?

Sounds like you are saying it didn't have one for the last 4 years.

Just imagine how many more lavish vacations, rounds of golf and appearances on The View this coke head will have when he doesn't have to worry about another election.

Anyone who votes for this guy is as dumb as the chair they are sitting on

The dumb ones are the ones that are voting for Romney, who does not give a fuck about America; only for tax cuts for himself and his rich friends. The bastard said himself that he does not gives a hoot about 47% of America. You gotta be either rich or dumb to vote for Romney, and half of America is dumb bunch of motherfuckers.