Originally Posted By: LouCypher
jesus-fuckfaced-christ.... when i mentioned Modafinil i didn't mean it as a recreational drug. this shit is obviously targeted at the next level boot on your throat pistol at your head overachiever types. wtf are you guys going on about?.
i'm surprised i'm surprised actually. my bad...

Originally Posted By: J.B.
Originally Posted By: gia jordan
Argentina prioritizes the right things. They have the highest amount of anorexia than any country and they're second in highest amount of plastic surgery.

Well, at least they don't criminalize the right things. Remember, it was just a few years ago our own DOJ tried to shut Jeffy and this board down.

Not too many of the current crop were here for that.

didn't italy have a whore in power at some level at one point in time?. i'm not sure how much plastic surgery the italians get but i know how much they need it.

Cicciolina was great.