Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
Whenever white liberals are about to lose an election they always threaten black riots.

Deep down inside (not all that deep, really), white liberals think of blacks as inferior people, always in need of guidance and "protection".

Liberalism in a nutshell. Except they think everyone but them are inferior and need their help. It's really an offshoot of the coddling the Baby Boomers got. They started the elitist nanny state, but their children have perfected it.

But if Fuzzy G say they gon' riot, they by God they gon' riot. I've got a case of East German surplus rubber tipped bullets for the AK. Between that and the Walking Dead marathon on AMC, I be ready.

It's just like the race card. The riot card has been played so many times it's impossible to take seriously.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE