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#404794 - 06/23/09 06:03 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials
Gee, the North Koreans didn't pull this shit with Bush. And does anyone really think they would have tried it with McCain - lol.
It's like they keep poking him saying "I dare you to fight back, I dare you to fight back". They've got this community organizer pegged perfectly. He's a joke.
Notice how Gunker, Elaborator, Charin etc have nothing to say now that they can't blame Bush anymore - lol. They can only make wisecracks attacking the poster, but they can't defend anything Obama is doing.
Of course none of these countries have anything to fear from The Great Messiah. Jimmy Carter's mullato cousin is sitting in the White House smiling at himself in the mirror. At least with Jimmy you had Billy to provide a little good ol' down home entertainment.
#404795 - 06/23/09 12:06 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials
The North Koreans have already fulfilled Biden's prediction that there'd be a manufactured international incident within 6 months of Odumba becoming president by their nuclear bomb test on May 25. Now they're thinking about going one-up on Biden. Ohhh, their egos must be swelling.
#404796 - 06/23/09 09:36 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
The Iranians erupted because their most recent fraudulent election was a little too obvious. Now libs are trying to say it has something to do with a boring speech Odumba gave recently in Egypt. Bwaaaaaaahaha! Priceless.
His weak position on the Iranian crackdown got less meek today. Woo hoo! He's a champion of democracy!
Maybe he's afraid to look like a hypocite. You know, since his campaign took in all that untraceable money and illegally coordinated with vote fraud group ACORN. He reallly shouldn't sweat small stuff like Iran. He needs to focus on his goal of bringing about a complete economic collapse with wave after wave of stimuluses. Then the real (and permanent) socialism can begin!
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#404797 - 06/25/09 09:39 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Does anyone remember how Obongo denounced the Bush administration for having held "secret energy meetings" with oil executives at the White House and how he pledged pledged to usher in a "new era" of openess. Well, last week he met secretly with coal executives to discuss "clean coal" policies. Freedom of Information Act requests for Secret Service logs showing the identities of coal executives were denied by thew White House because "the disclosure of such records might impinge on privileged 'presidential communications.'". Whatever.
I just saw a story on this. Instead of attacking Bush on specific issues related to with-holding information, it seems Odumba made a bunch of cutesy and naive statements on "sunlight being a disinfectant" and how "transparency can cure so many ills".
So now that his job is more than just to run his mouth, he's around people who actually have some understanding how the presidency works. Those glorious speeches on how he was going to rejuvenate the planet, the transparency thing is just another example of how he had no idea about what he was talking about. But, he sure did sound good saying it.
They had a bunch of examples. One of them being Odumba's decided the White House guest list is a state secret. Not to be released to the public.
#404798 - 07/02/09 11:21 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Honduras has a leftist Chavez puppet president trying to set himself up for life like Castro. He tried to put on an election to alter their constitution and allow him to serve past the current term limits. The problem is, only the Honduran legislature can put on such an election under their constitution. Castro wannabe doesn't care. He pushed aside the rule of law and tried to move forward with his personal gang of brownshirts and ballots specially prepared by Chavez. The Honduran supreme court ordered the military to arrest him to protect the rule of law and preserve their democracy.
How does Obongo respond? He condemns the Honduran military for arresting Chavez Jr., applies diplomatic pressure on the Honduran gov to "restore" the would be king and cuts military ties.
Wow, this communirty organizer loves his Marxists! I thought we learned from his Iran cowardice that he was against such "meddling".
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#404800 - 07/02/09 02:19 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Today Odumba is signing the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Isn't it nifty how busybody do-gooder liberals want to control your behavior for you. Wasn't including the word "family" was a nice touch? The bill will allow liberal bureaucrats to decide HOW MUCH NICOTINE will be in tobacco products and which FLAVORS SHOULD BE BANNED. Maybe next Odumba should do the Family Alcohol Act to decide what proof alcoholic beverages can be and to get rid of the ones that are too tasty. The family smokes bill will also require that HUGE danger signs on every tobacco label or package - LOL. I'm sure many of you haven't heard that smoking is unhealthy.
Thanks liberals!
I miss my Camel Exotic Blends
butI dont think the libs were the ones to get them off store shelves...since it was dont during the Bush Admin....but I wrong often!
#404801 - 07/02/09 02:29 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
While the Camel Exotic Blend "ban" was done during Bush, it wasn't done by Bush. It was done by state's Attorneys General putting pressure on RJR. The lead AG was the whore loving Spitzer of NY. CLICK ME
Amo i Gemelli!!
#404803 - 07/03/09 06:02 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Honduras has a leftist Chavez puppet president trying to set himself up for life like Castro. He tried to put on an election to alter their constitution and allow him to serve past the current term limits. The problem is, only the Honduran legislature can put on such an election under their constitution. Castro wannabe doesn't care. He pushed aside the rule of law and tried to move forward with his personal gang of brownshirts and ballots specially prepared by Chavez. The Honduran supreme court ordered the military to arrest him to protect the rule of law and preserve their democracy.
How does Obongo respond? He condemns the Honduran military for arresting Chavez Jr., applies diplomatic pressure on the Honduran gov to "restore" the would be king and cuts military ties.
Wow, this communirty organizer loves his Marxists! I thought we learned from his Iran cowardice that he was against such "meddling".
Coke..why are you surprised by this? The Great Messiah LOVES people like Chavez, Putin, & the Iranian mullahs. Odumba is not a man who admires and values the US. He is a man who HATES it, and if it is within his power, will destroy it while the sheeple all filled up on bailouts and "free" healthcare sleep soundly.
#404805 - 07/04/09 02:18 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
I just had to add this
good one....but the rich have had there time to make $$$ with bush.....now its just natural to spead the wealth.....i am sure that bill gates and warren buffett will be crying in their beers.
#404806 - 07/04/09 05:00 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Most of the poor in America are poor because they are L-A-Z-Y. There is plenty of opportunity in this country if you only get off your ass, stop expecting the Libs to create programs to pay for your rent, food stamps, medicine and anything else you figure you need. Trying working for a living. Start a business, fill a need..do something. Quit expecting the government to wipe your ass for you.
#404808 - 07/07/09 09:49 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
I keep waiting for Coke to post on The Great Messiah's sell out to Putin. His agreement limits our nuke delivery systems to our disadvantage, and of course the Russians will keep their word this time....Yeah!! Maybe Putin promised The Great Messiah that he can be Kommissar for Amerika after they blackmail us with their increased nukes, after we throw ours away. Way to go Barack!!
#404809 - 07/07/09 10:41 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
The second foot has not dropped yet. Experts predict that Obama is going to do the most insane and incompetant thing he could possibly do in regards to the nukes/Russians issue. Over the next few years he is going to agree to dismantle our missile shield/star wars defenses. This is something Russians have been demanding since Reagan met with Gorby. Well, the Ruskies finally have a US president stupid enough to actually do it in exchange for some token concessions (designed to make Obammy look good). The technology is purely defensive and dummy is going to throw it all away. Just watch.
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#404810 - 07/07/09 10:46 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Isn't it great to have a president who goes around the world telling our enemies "So sorry..we're the problem". I hope all these brainless fucks who voted for The Great Messiah are enjoying this loser.
#404811 - 07/09/09 11:05 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Earlier this week Odumba actually thanked Russia for ending the Cold War and in effect apologized for America's role. Nice job, stupid. Spoken like a spoiled brat who was raised by communist sympathizing/America hating grandparents and their best pal (Obammy's mentor) the commie perv Frank Marshall Davis. Next, he needs to apologize to the Germans for our role in WWII.
Sambo also said we need to "reset" the Cold War relationship. That sounds great, fuckwit. But first Russia would need to cease being an enemy. The Ruskies, for example, are sponsors of Iran's nuke program. Iran's crazy behavior drives up the price of their oil.
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#404812 - 07/09/09 05:40 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Today he was photographed being busy kissing the ass of Quadaffi..or however you spell the Libyan terrorists name. It's so classy to see The Great Messiah bow & scrape to these tyrants begging for their forgiveness. Maybe he would like to stay there and live with his Muslim buddies.
#404815 - 07/10/09 12:41 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong. She's not white and might even have some negroid in her (besides Indian and Portuguese). As for wanting to fuck a 16 year-old, I'd have to let him slide. Sixteen year-old girls are at the peak of sexual/childbearing ripeness. If you think that's pervy, take it up with Mother Nature.
The fact that she's 16, however, compounds his stupidity at getting caught on film drooling over her sweet ass.
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#404817 - 07/10/09 01:15 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I meant being attracted to them is totally normal. We still have to exercise impulse control. This isn't '68 and we're not back in Nam. There are rules.
Speaking of jailbait, a photographer is catching shit for a what are supposed to be a very racy photos of 16 year-old Miley Cyrus. Below is the director of the film that the pics were shot to promote nuzzling up to her. WTF
424207-miley-cyrus-and-adam-shankman-scandal.jpg (4 downloads)
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#404818 - 07/10/09 06:59 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Zip Coon
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 04/01/07
Posts: 1958
This video puts the photo into its proper context. He was not checking out the girl, but instead helping a woman behind him down the steps. Not so sure about Sarkozy, though. http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8049121Shame on you K1ng and Coke for assuming the worst about our President. (P.S. -- The girl is slammin' though. Big, fine brazillian booty. When she gets older she will be a stunner).
#404819 - 07/10/09 07:40 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 12/23/08
Posts: 75
Loc: Washington, D.C.
This entire forum is about taking a good, long look.
...he is married to the most beautiful woman in the world:
First one you got right in some time.
I wish this would go back to a conservative perspective, instead of paranoid delusions and gotchas.
Yes, we can.
#404821 - 07/11/09 11:41 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Obama just told African leaders that no business wants to be in a place where the gov't skims 20% off the top. What a fucking idiot. What the does he think taxes are?
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#404822 - 07/11/09 12:20 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
This video puts the photo into its proper context. He was not checking out the girl, but instead helping a woman behind him down the steps.
Even in that video, it still looks like he's checking her out. Just with usual Obama style, he's more smooth with it than Sarkovy. That ass looks good on tiny little internet films. In real life, where you could smell her perfume and get a sense for how that dress moved around on that ass..
stfu you adt douche bag. if I was worried about "shame" I wouldn't be posting here. go pirate some ir vids you fucking criminal.
Good lord, k1ng. Did you forget to take your meds today?
Coke Stevenson:
Obama just told African leaders that no business wants to be in a place where the gov't skims 20% off the top. What a fucking idiot. What the does he think taxes are?
There's massive corruption in African politics. He was probably talking about that 20% being spent on themselves rather than on government works.
#404824 - 07/11/09 03:07 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
Obama just told African leaders that no business wants to be in a place where the gov't skims 20% off the top. What a fucking idiot. What the does he think taxes are?
No Coke..what The Great Messiah meant, was that 20% isn't enough. Under his benevolent rule, he wants to take 50% off the top!
#404826 - 07/11/09 08:34 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Umm, no. Pork would be better than sticking it in their pockets. But, 20% on pork projects is way too much. And, would probably be similarly discouraging towards businessmen.
Not sure why you asked.
Uh, I know you mean well, but you're getting on my nerves. No one needed you to explain that Africa is replete with corruption (wow, really??) or to explain the context of Obongo's statement. Just like him, you seem to be missing the point that he is no different than African leaders who feel entitled to demand ever increasing ransoms from the private sector. Also, his plans for other people's the money is just as self-serving (and more malicious) than those of the Africans. He's trying to become a socialist messiah and permanently break the free market system so his socialist legacy lives on.
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#404827 - 07/11/09 11:51 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
Also, his plans for other people's the money is just as self-serving (and more malicious) than those of the Africans. He's trying to become a socialist messiah and permanently break the free market system so his socialist legacy lives on.
Wow, Coke. You are really good at finding the conspiracies. He wants to be a socialist messiah and is actually more malicious than the corrupt African leaders? Damn, I thought I was a conservative.
Thanks for having gone the extra mile. The more you explain, the more mind-blowing your posts become.
#404829 - 07/13/09 08:49 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
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#404830 - 07/15/09 09:44 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Odumba's "Green Jobs Czar" (lol) is "proud San Francisco comminist" (his own words) Anthony “Van” Jones. Good thing these czars don't need congressional approval like cabinet members. Not because he wouldn't be confirmed by the Dems (he would be), but because congressional Dems only like to assicate with trash like Jones when cameras aren't around.
Jones also has a long criminal record. One of his arrests was at the Rodney King riots (lol). Presumably he was trying to kick some white ass and get him a new tv (totally understandable).
On his website, Jones said “we’re not going to get a chance to spend a trillion dollars again! Ever. So let’s do it the right way!”. I hope you all plan to support a second stimulus.
Anti-American pinkos like him won life's lottery by being born in the USA, but they're sooooo angry they want to destroy it. The ungrateful coon should be strapped up and whipped like Kunta Kinte.
"CRACK! your name is Toby, damn it!"
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#404832 - 07/18/09 02:28 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
That guy's pretty brilliant. At first I was thinking that guy shouldn't go all obsessive in his issues, burying them in such intense rhetoric it makes it kind of boring to listen to him. He should add some more comedy to his bit, like Coke does on XPT.
But, then you consider the Tom Payne impersonation again and think back to what you learned in school. Tom Payne released propaganda pamphlets, along with many others at the time, just like that. Buried deep in the rhetoric. The difference was, Payne's pamphlet's became more popular and changed more people's minds. If that kind of thing was popular back then, why shouldn't it be now? The Tom payne impersonation gives him an angle that makes you wanna watch as he endlessly blasts off on issues.
Youtube is where the people are hanging out who are trying to develop a large enough of a talent pool that we'll eventually be able to fill all these broadband pipes we've already got with real entertainment. Unlike a lot on Youtube, that guy gets it and is doing his job trying to get there.
#404833 - 07/20/09 12:30 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
THe Obumba State Dept has apologized to the world for global warming.
"We acknowledge now with President Obama that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem that we face with climate change"
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#404834 - 07/20/09 12:45 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
If the coon really was born in Hawaii, why won't he release documentation? It would take a few seconds and -POOF- all the lawsuits and questions would go away. He'd make his accusers look silly. Why won't he? Why? Why? Why?
And why won't he release acadamic records as every other modern president has done. His defenders whisper it's because he was a C student and therefore let into Columbia and Harvard Law as an affirmative action token. But, could it be he was enrolled as an Indonesian citizen?
Come on, Sambo. We're waiting...............
lawsuit claiming Obama can't send troops to Afganistan - not natural born/not eligible to be Pres:
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#404835 - 07/20/09 04:11 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
THe Obumba State Dept has apologized to the world for global warming.
"We acknowledge now with President Obama that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem that we face with climate change"
"...We have made mistakes..." Yeah we elected the monkey and his communist gang to run the greatest nation the world has ever seen. We elected the monkey and his gang who HATE America and all that it stands for. We elected the monkey who isn't even an American. Yeah..mistakes were made
#404836 - 07/20/09 02:51 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
#404837 - 07/20/09 05:10 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
"...We have made mistakes..." Yeah we elected the monkey and his communist gang to run the greatest nation the world has ever seen. We elected the monkey and his gang who HATE America and all that it stands for. We elected the monkey who isn't even an American. Yeah..mistakes were made
@ the greatest nation
What does America stand for? In your own words.
It stands for kicking the shit out of Euro-Trash Socialists. Now go back home......
#404838 - 07/20/09 05:44 PM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
What does America stand for? In your own words.
America stands for freedom, the rule of a constitution that enshrines the liberty of the people, and the right of the people to choose their leaders. The rule of law over the rule of men. The land of opportunity, of equality of all peoples. America stands as a community, taking care of our responsibilities to each other. America is the blend of government and capitalism which has built a great industrial and cultural nation with a diversity and ability to develop and change that is unparalleled. America is the pioneering spirit, first in our western expansion, and in the last century, in cutting edge technical innovation. America is the land of plenty, a great natural land, highlighted by astounding protected public lands. While other countries may tout some of these virtues, and we may sometimes fall short of what we stand for, as a whole, America is the shining beacon on the hill.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
#404839 - 07/21/09 09:01 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
What does America stand for? In your own words.
America stands for freedom, the rule of a constitution that enshrines the liberty of the people, and the right of the people to choose their leaders. The rule of law over the rule of men. The land of opportunity, of equality of all peoples. America stands as a community, taking care of our responsibilities to each other. America is the blend of government and capitalism which has built a great industrial and cultural nation with a diversity and ability to develop and change that is unparalleled. America is the pioneering spirit, first in our western expansion, and in the last century, in cutting edge technical innovation. America is the land of plenty, a great natural land, highlighted by astounding protected public lands. While other countries may tout some of these virtues, and we may sometimes fall short of what we stand for, as a whole, America is the shining beacon on the hill.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
What he said.
#404841 - 07/22/09 06:18 AM
Re: The Daily Obama Incompetence Thread
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 09/07/03
Posts: 565
Loc: State of Moral Decay
What does America stand for? In your own words.
It stands for kicking the shit out of Euro-Trash Socialists. Now go back home......
When did that happen? Or when is it going to happen? You're funny.
Nice piece of work, Chuck. Though, I have to say that the 'beacon on the hill' has been obscured by a very big mountain of shit for the last 25 years or so.
Again Pee-Stylah..just go back home to your pathetic Euro-hovel and let the Americans debate American things. You're only interested in us when we can save your asses from the latest dictator to take your country away from you..then you europeans come begging to the Americans to save your useless asses. Just go home....
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