Originally Posted By: have2cit
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: have2cit
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
hey that's a great point, why don't we let those states fund it all their fucking selves then.....

Exactly. The US Government should return the revenues collected for education, from the state, to the state in the form of block grants, that can only be spent on education. There will be even more to spend because it's not greasing the palms of 100,000 federal bureaucrats. Now you're catching on to how this small government shit works.

Kansas takes in more money than it's federally taxed asshole, just like most red states.

http://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart/2011/08/americas-fiscal-union Just fuck off with your proud southern heritage horseshit already. You're state wouldn't be able to afford to fix a cracked side walk unless it didn't have it's hand in the pocket of some whiny commie hippy northern yankee.

Actually if the Fed would let us regulate our own energy concerns we could more than pay for our own roads and schools. Hopefully with the Romney victory a new law where the sates can regulate who can drill and where in their states we'll really see a pick up in drilling and fracking.

Get the frack outta town. Well whatever, do what you want then, in the name of freedom. Enjoy pollution levels high enough to make Bhopal look like a microchip clean room. But on the bright side all the super mutant next generations will be powerful enough to conquer the carpet baggers.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.