Originally Posted By: have2cit

Jesus fucking shit. In all the flame wars we've had I've never REALLY thought you where a dumb fucking redneck but now I'm starting to wonder...you're trolololing right? You are really serious thinking this is a bad thing? This is a mandate about a single meal being 850 calories not a whole days of nutrition....you really think america's fat fucking morbidly obese blobs of rolling garbage water need to shovel more than 850 fucking calories into their over flowing maws in one sitting?....Why, I would think you'd see this as a good thing, after todays kids are getting soft patron, very soft, and the rest of the world is getting tough, very very tough, and we should have these fat little faggot bastards lifting more weights and missing a few meals so they can be sinewy enough to fight the commies....DO YOU WANNA FRY?!

Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.