Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
She feeds trolls. Any attention, I suppose.
Not true, she hates me and has me blocked which I find hilarious that she went thru 30+thousand or whatever followers to find me way back when I first had twitter and delete me...I believe it because of the stuff I said on here when the bitch was begging for things when her house caught on fire.
A fuckin psycho she is that EFUCT with her crying and saying the things she did will never leave my mind, from the Gangbanged2 movie....too funny. I dont have the time or find it necessary to make up fake Twitters. So Dear Dana De Armand ( I know you still lurk here ) go FUCK YOURSELF, YOU WILL ONE DAY DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH AND THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FUCKING PYSCHOTIC PIGGGGG. You were still a begger then and now, fucking wishlists....I cant stand whores begging for shit and the lameasses that buy it for them, Kristina Rose is another one.....

Edited by RenfieldGyps (09/22/12 01:50 PM)