I was asking myself is smartt could carve a career for himself in porn. When you scroll down the requirements needed he tends to fit most of them well and he will have a small name for himself going in. So i pose the question to the board, do you think smartt has a career for himself in porn. Lets break it down shall we
here is smartt's mug shot. Now he isn't the prettiest person around but you don't need to be. In fact some have made lengthy careers being just the average (or less then) guy, ron jermey, dave hardman. All those guys are getting up there in age, its time for new blood, the time is now and the man is smartt.
2. Does smartt have any problem with showing his privates to anyone and can he maintain an errection?
answer, is no and yes and as the saying goes, a picture is worth a 1000 words.
3. Will he move units?.
well although there is only a handful of male stars that can move units on themselves alone (rocco, wesley pipes and peter north) Smartt will enter in as a top 10 male talent based on this board alone, the stills from his scenes will be made the rounds faster then fayner checks out and back into rehab.
Smartt what do you think?, can you make the move to the states and HIV free sex?.